Umbrella project for the modules/projects composing the DNPM:DIP backend.
For installation/operation instructions, see the Deployment guide.
Core: Utilities, Base components for Coding management, Base domain modelling components
Service Base: Base components for use-case specific service implementations
Connector Base: Base implementations of abstract Connector defined in service base
ICD Catalogs: ICD-10-GM and ICD-O-3 CodeSystem provider implementations
ATC Medication Catalog: CodeSystem provider implementation for ATC medication catalog
HGNC Gene Set: CodeSystem provider implementation for HGNC Gene Set
Catalog Service: Component to load all CodeSystemProvider plugins according to the Service Provider Interface (SPI) Pattern (see CodeSystemProvider)
RD Model: RD Domain/Data Model and object generators, together with CodeSystem provider implementations for Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) and Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology (ORDO)
RD Query Service: RD-specific implementation of Query Service from service base
MTB Model: MTB Domain/Data Model and object generators
MTB Query Service: MTB-specific implementation of Query Service from service base
REST API Gateway: The above use case modules/services are bundled and exposed RESTfully via an API Gateway