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release candidate 1 (fixed)

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@dndrks dndrks released this 30 Sep 14:31
· 185 commits to main since this release

the final round-up on obvious troubles. addresses community-logged issues + many of the feature requests -- anything else has been collected in #31 .

sync bpm to free pattern

  • allows a specified free pattern to set the bpm. SUPER fun, works best with unquantized patterns.
  • PARAMS > sync bpm to free pat [x]? to set which pattern(s) should set the bpm
  • most useful to set one pattern as free, the other two as distro (which will lock their resets to the new bpm)
  • housekeeping: added a .name attribute to pattern_time, so I can track which pattern clock is being synced to


  • added "link all" feature to [delay] where all params inside of a delay menu can be linked with k1+k3
  • reversing delay linked rates now works


  • grid arps no longer auto-trigger when on the arps page
  • super fun thing: hold k1 on arps screen to set the clock sync rate of an individual pad
    • this doesn't mean that you'll get perfect sequences of note lengths (eg. holding 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/4 + 1/16 won't equal 2.125 beats)
    • what you do get is much more playable:
      • an individual pad will repeat at the specified sync rate


  • addressed #32, where euclid clocks would sometimes fail and were unable to be restarted -- k1 + k2 to restart all, k1+k3 to restart selected

UI + etc

  • changed around some of the [loops] UI for better conceptual flow
  • current collection is displayed on main menu screen
  • fixed persistent state PARAMS, so they all load/save correctly between sessions/changes