This Repository contains my docker-compose files that I use on my home server.
The State of these files is as it is. Might contain some errors or inconsistencies. And I have deleted all passwords from the env files. Might change some of them to docker secrets in the future.
- pihole is configured to use an ip-address from the host network
- swag is providing lets encrypt certificates and subdomain configs on
- dockerproxy is providing configurable limited access to the docker socket, which are used by watchtower, portainer and code-server
- portainer is providing a nice gui to see whats going on - basically my omv is doing it very similiar
- watchtower is updating every container automatically daily that has the label "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"
I have written an article about how to setup let's encrypt certificates on a private network with swag on medium: