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Downloads available accelerometer data for individuals and time window comprised in the input location data and merges acceleration measurements to each observed location event based on recording time.
Given the individuals and time-span of recorded events in the input location data, this App is tasked with downloading and merging available (non-location) acceleration data to recorded locations. Merging is time-based whithin animals/tracks, and the underlying data processing can be outlined as follows:
Extract animal/track IDs and start-end timestamps of location events for individuals present in input data;
Check user’s download permissions and availability of accelerometer (ACC) data for each individual;
Download sought ACC data via
; -
Process ACC data into a standardized format. ACC samples can be recorded in Movebank in plain format (one ACC measurement on each active axis per row) or nested format (burst of consecutive AAC values stored per row). In this step:
Downloaded data is reshaped to return bursts of ACC values nested in a list-column named
. Therefore, each row of processed ACC data represents an event at which a burst of ACC values (per active axis) was recorded, with the timestamp column specifying the starting time of the ACC event. -
The type (raw or non-raw) and tag origin (eobs or non-eobs) of ACC samples are also added as data attributes.
ACC data can optionally be thinned down to only retain a single ACC burst event within a given time interval via the parameter
(or details in the Parameters section below). This feature can be useful to avoid long computations, and potentially lack of memory issues, when processing high-frequency ACC data (e.g. 1 burst every couple of seconds).
Merge processed ACC events to location events of the same animal/track using recording timestamps for alignment. Location event times act as reference points, while ACC event starting times are applied as allocable variables. The merging process governed by two alternative integration rules:
: ACC events are allocated to the most recent location event occurring prior to the ACC sampling start time. -
: ACC events are assigned to the closest-in-time location event, which can occur either before or after the ACC sampling start time.
ACC events are joined to corresponding location events in a list-column named
. Data nesting is required here as, depending on the frequency of ACC events relative to location events, consecutive ACC events may be allocated to the same location event. -
Prepare merged data for output, where
is amove2
location object containing the entire input data along with the following additions:-
event data: the list-column
comprising the downloaded and merged ACC events -
track data: columns
providing information about the ACC downloading step. -
object attributes:
specifying the selected merging rule1acc_track_data
providing the track data component of the merged ACC data
The creation of this App was prompted by a current limitation in MoveApps, which allows Workflows to be initiated from either location or non-location data but not both simultaneously. MoveApps has plans to ease this restriction in the future, such as enabling multiple data inputs on Apps. Consequently, it is possible that this App may become obsolete in the future.
location object.
location object. See point 6. of Documentation
for additional context.
Section Using the Output data demonstrates how to access and manipulate the merged data in the output object.
entries in column acc_dt
indicate no ACC data associated with
the location events (given the chosen merging rule) or that there is no
ACC data collected for that animal (i.e. no accelerometer sensor on the
: a tibble
object with downloaded and
processed ACC data, with ACC events and track data nested by animal in,
respectively, list-columns acc_dt
and acc_trk_dt
Movebank username (usr
): character string, the Movebank username.
Default: NULL
Movebank password (pwd
): character string, the Movebank password.
Default: NULL
Merging Rule (merging_rule
): specify how downloaded Accelerometer
data is merged to location data. ACC events can allocated to either:
the most recent location event recorded prior to the ACC sampling start time (
, the default), or -
the closest-in-time recorded location (
Store ACC track information (store_acc_track_info
): check-box to
choose whether to store the track attribute table from merged ACC data
as an attribute of the output move2
object. To reduce data redundancy,
ACC track data is dropped from the ACC data prior to the nesting step in
the merging process. This option allows to store the ACC’s track
attribute table for potential future use or reference. Default: FALSE
Filter downloaded ACC data by time interval (acc_timefilter
): an
integer defining the time interval, in minutes, for thinning the
temporal resolution of the downloaded ACC data. Must be between 0 (no
filtering) and 30. Unit: minutes
; default: 0
None yet
data: the App will skip the merging step and return a modified
version of the input data with an empty column acc_dt
- Accelerometer data is not collected for any of the animals in the input data,
- the user does not have downloading permission for the study
An informative warning is also issued.
Movebank username (usr
) and Movebank password (pwd
): If one
of the credentials are either NULL or connection to Movebank is voided
due to invalid log-in details, the app will return an error reminding
the user to provide valid credentials.
Filter downloaded ACC data by time interval (acc_timefilter
): The
App will throw an error if the specified interval is not between 0 and
The purpose of this App is to retrieve and combine available non-location Accelerometer (ACC) data with the provided input location data. The format of the returned output data is structured with data nesting, providing a versatile approach for handling the merged information in subsequent applications. The trade-off for this flexibility is the slightly increased level of data manipulation needed to work with nested datasets.
Here we suggest some sample code to inspect, manipulate and apply the output data effectively in e.g. downstream Apps within a MoveApps Workflow. Let’s start by loading the dependencies required to run this demonstration.
# load dependencies
Now we run the App’s underpinning rFunction
for a given input data
using the 'latest'
merging rule.
output <- rFunction(data, usr = usr, pwd = pwd, merging_rule = 'latest')
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:34] Collecting details about input data
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:34] Checking ACC data availability
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:34] Downloading ACC data for each animal
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:39]
====== Summary of downloaded ACC data =======
# A tibble: 1 × 9
study_id individual_local_identifier sensor_type_ids is_acc_collected
<int64> <fct> <chr> <lgl>
1 1941203363 Bateleur_8887 acceleration,gps TRUE
i_have_download_access acc_dwn_start_time acc_dwn_end_time acc_in_timespan
<lgl> <dttm> <dttm> <lgl>
1 TRUE 2023-09-10 08:15:23 2023-09-11 09:00:26 TRUE
1 174
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:39] Processing downloaded Accelerometer data
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:39] Merging ACC data to location data
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:39] Preparing data for output
Joining with `by = join_by(individual_id, sensor_type_ids,
individual_local_identifier, study_id, i_have_download_access)`
[INFO: 2023-10-31 10:34:40] Done! App has finished all its tasks
The output data is a move2
location object, where the merged
Accelerometer (ACC) data is provided as tibble
objects nested in
list-column acc_dt
output <- output |>
dplyr::select(where(~all(! # dropping redundant columns
A <move2> object containing 1 track consisting of:
Simple feature collection with 10 features and 9 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 38.51449 ymin: -11.17893 xmax: 39.00675 ymax: -11.01733
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
# A tibble: 10 × 10
sensor_type_id individual_local_identifier eobs_battery_voltage
<int64> <fct> [mV]
1 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
2 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
3 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
4 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
5 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
6 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
7 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
8 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
9 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
10 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
eobs_key_bin_checksum import_marked_outlier timestamp event_id
<int64> <lgl> <dttm> <int64>
1 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:15:23 29702280943
2 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:30:09 29702280944
3 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:45:09 29702280945
4 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 09:00:09 29702280946
5 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 09:00:27 29702280947
6 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 08:15:20 29708533560
7 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 08:30:09 29708533561
8 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 08:45:09 29708533562
9 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 09:00:09 29708533563
10 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 09:00:26 29708533564
visible geometry acc_dt
<lgl> <POINT [°]> <list>
1 TRUE (38.51566 -11.03651) <tibble [3 × 14]>
2 TRUE (38.51449 -11.04464) <tibble [3 × 14]>
3 TRUE (38.55216 -11.0261) <tibble [3 × 14]>
4 TRUE (38.58648 -11.01733) <tibble [1 × 14]>
5 TRUE (38.58923 -11.01751) <tibble [154 × 14]>
6 TRUE (38.95603 -11.17893) <tibble [3 × 14]>
7 TRUE (38.9936 -11.1532) <tibble [3 × 14]>
8 TRUE (39.00675 -11.12555) <tibble [3 × 14]>
9 TRUE (39.00009 -11.10859) <tibble [1 × 14]>
10 TRUE (39.0001 -11.10937) <NULL>
Track features:
# A tibble: 1 × 53
deployment_id tag_id individual_id deploy_on_person deploy_on_timestamp
<int64> <int64> <int64> <chr> <dttm>
1 2145556232 1941951358 1941205813 Andre Botha 2022-06-04 00:00:00
sensor_type_ids capture_location deploy_on_location deploy_off_location
<chr> <POINT [°]> <POINT [°]> <POINT [°]>
1 acceleration,gps EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY
individual_comments latest_date_born individual_local_identifier
<chr> <dttm> <fct>
1 2-3 years old 2019-04-01 00:00:00 Bateleur_8887
nick_name ring_id sex taxon_canonical_name
<fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
1 Bateleur_8887 9-16864 f Terathopius ecaudatus
individual_number_of_deployments taxon_detail mortality_location
<int> <fct> <POINT [°]>
1 1 <NA> EMPTY
tag_local_identifier tag_number_of_deploy…¹ study_id acknowledgements citation
<fct> <int> <int64> <chr> <chr>
1 8887 2 1.e9 Vultures for Af… Vulture…
grants_used has_quota i_am_owner is_test license_terms license_type name
<chr> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <chr> <fct> <fct>
1 Vultures for Af… TRUE FALSE FALSE The person w… CC_0 Sout…
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹tag_number_of_deployments
# ℹ 22 more variables: study_number_of_deployments <int>, number_of_individuals [count], number_of_tags [count], principal_investigator_name <chr>, study_objective <chr>, study_type <fct>, suspend_license_terms <lgl>, i_can_see_data <lgl>, there_are_data_which_i_cannot_see <lgl>, i_have_download_access <lgl>, i_am_collaborator <lgl>, study_permission <fct>, timestamp_first_deployed_location <dttm>, timestamp_last_deployed_location <dttm>, number_of_deployed_locations [count], taxon_ids <chr>,
# contact_person_name <fct>, main_location <POINT [°]>, is_acc_collected <lgl>, acc_dwn_start_time <dttm>, acc_dwn_end_time <dttm>, acc_in_timespan <lgl>
ACC events recorded e.g. between the second and third location points can retrieved by
output |>
as_tibble() |>
slice(2) |>
dplyr::select(acc_dt) |>
# A tibble: 3 × 14
sensor_type_id individual_local_identifier data_decoding_software
<int64> <fct> <fct>
1 2365683 Bateleur_8887 16
2 2365683 Bateleur_8887 16
3 2365683 Bateleur_8887 16
eobs_acceleration_sampling_frequency_per_axis eobs_key_bin_checksum
[Hz] <int64>
1 33.3 3757502306
2 33.3 3340072916
3 33.3 3183081267
eobs_start_timestamp import_marked_outlier timestamp event_id
<dttm> <lgl> <dttm> <int64>
1 2023-09-10 08:30:10 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:30:10 29979003285
2 2023-09-10 08:35:00 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:35:00 29979003286
3 2023-09-10 08:40:00 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:40:00 29979003287
visible geometry acc_burst is_acc_raw is_acc_eobs
<lgl> <POINT [°]> <list> <lgl> <lgl>
1 TRUE EMPTY <dbl [264 × 3]> TRUE TRUE
2 TRUE EMPTY <dbl [264 × 3]> TRUE TRUE
3 TRUE EMPTY <dbl [264 × 3]> TRUE TRUE
Acceleration measurements recorded in each ACC event are nested in
list-column acc_burst
. Thus, the burst of ACC values in each active
axis sampled in the first ACC event between the second and third
location points is accessible via
output |>
as_tibble() |>
slice(2) |>
dplyr::select(acc_dt) |>
unnest(acc_dt) |>
slice(1) |>
mutate(acc_burst = map(acc_burst, as_tibble)) |> # required for nicer unnesting compared to the original matrix format
# A tibble: 264 × 3
acc_x acc_y acc_z
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1964 1757 1635
2 1963 1760 1631
3 1966 1759 1630
4 1968 1760 1630
5 1971 1761 1630
6 1973 1760 1628
7 1979 1760 1631
8 1980 1755 1628
9 1980 1759 1628
10 1982 1761 1627
# ℹ 254 more rows
Figure 1 provide a graphical representation of the
difference between the two available options for merging the ACC data to
location data (via parameter merging_rule
output_merg_unpacked <- output_merg |>
as_tibble() |>
mutate(acc_dt = map(acc_dt, \(acc_events){
acc_events |>
acc_burst = pmap(
list(eobs_acceleration_sampling_frequency_per_axis, timestamp, acc_burst),
\(freq, start_time, acc){
# downsize to only first 5 measurements on each acc event, for plotting clarity
n <- 5
acc |>
as_tibble() |>
slice(floor(seq(1, nrow(acc), length.out = n))) |>
acc_timestamp = start_time,
#acc_timestamp = seq.POSIXt(from = start_time, by = 1/freq, length.out = n),
.before = 1
) |>
unnest(acc_burst) |>
rename(acc_event_id = event_id) |>
dplyr::select(acc_event_id, acc_timestamp, matches("acc_[xyz]"))
} else NULL
})) |>
location_times <- output_merg |>
ungroup() |>
distinct(event_id, geometry, timestamp) |>
mutate(timestamp = timestamp + 0.15) # tiny nudge to ease visualization (checked that merging is correct)
p <- output_merg_unpacked |>
pivot_longer(cols = c(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z), names_to = "acc_axis", values_to = "acc_value") |>
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x = acc_timestamp, y = acc_value, col = factor(event_id), group = merging), size = 2) +
facet_wrap(~acc_axis, ncol = 1, scales = "free_y") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = timestamp, col = factor(event_id)), data = location_times, linewidth = 1) +
labs(title = "merging_rule: 'latest'", y = "acceleration", x = "timestamp",
col = "Location event ID") +
scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Paired") +
theme_light() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p +
transition_states(merging, transition_length = 1, state_length = 3) +
ggtitle("Merging Rule: '{closest_state}'") +
enter_fade() +
exit_shrink() +
and 'nearest'
rules for merging ACC
data with location data. Vertical lines mark the timestamps of six
location events, while points represent acceleration values sampled in
ACC events. Points are colored according to their assigned location
given the selected merging rule.
Summarizing acceleration values between consecutive location points may be required in downstream applications such as animal behavior classifiers.
For instance, the variance of all acceleration values recorded between each location event (per active ACC axis) can be computed as follows.
loc_acc_var <- output |>
var = map(acc_dt, \(acc_events){
# bind list of matrices (one per ACC event) by row
all_bursts <-, acc_events$acc_burst)
# variance in each active ACC axis
apply(all_bursts, 2, var)
} else{
) |>
unnest_wider(var, names_sep = "_")
# A tibble: 10 × 13
sensor_type_id individual_local_identifier eobs_battery_voltage
<int64> <fct> [mV]
1 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
2 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
3 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
4 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
5 653 Bateleur_8887 4001
6 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
7 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
8 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
9 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
10 653 Bateleur_8887 4000
eobs_key_bin_checksum import_marked_outlier timestamp event_id
<int64> <lgl> <dttm> <int64>
1 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:15:23 29702280943
2 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:30:09 29702280944
3 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 08:45:09 29702280945
4 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 09:00:09 29702280946
5 0 FALSE 2023-09-10 09:00:27 29702280947
6 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 08:15:20 29708533560
7 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 08:30:09 29708533561
8 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 08:45:09 29708533562
9 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 09:00:09 29708533563
10 0 FALSE 2023-09-11 09:00:26 29708533564
visible geometry acc_dt var_acc_x var_acc_y
<lgl> <POINT [°]> <list> <dbl> <dbl>
1 TRUE (38.51566 -11.03651) <tibble [3 × 14]> 2220. 19814.
2 TRUE (38.51449 -11.04464) <tibble [3 × 14]> 3326. 21660.
3 TRUE (38.55216 -11.0261) <tibble [3 × 14]> 3106. 1064.
4 TRUE (38.58648 -11.01733) <tibble [1 × 14]> 4971. 1171.
5 TRUE (38.58923 -11.01751) <tibble [154 × 14]> 6685. 31046.
6 TRUE (38.95603 -11.17893) <tibble [3 × 14]> 1336. 683.
7 TRUE (38.9936 -11.1532) <tibble [3 × 14]> 1806. 1226.
8 TRUE (39.00675 -11.12555) <tibble [3 × 14]> 2759. 24296.
9 TRUE (39.00009 -11.10859) <tibble [1 × 14]> 944. 580.
10 TRUE (39.0001 -11.10937) <NULL> NA NA
1 5253.
2 7802.
3 11439.
4 26670.
5 17294.
6 5074.
7 6234.
8 12359.
9 2859.
10 NA
Note that loc_acc_var
is not a move2
object anymore. This is a
by-product of the un-nesting process, which drops the move2
and sf
classes and their attributes. However, back-conversion is
straightforward using {move2}
functionality and the original output
object, as e.g.
loc_acc_var <- loc_acc_var |>
time_column = mt_time_column(output),
track_id_column = mt_track_id_column(output)
[1] TRUE
retrievable via
attr(output, "acc_merging_rule")