This python script uses Sentinel-2 products (L2A) to display the spatial distribution of three relevant indicators of eutrophication: chlorophyll-a, turbidity, secchi disk transparency.
Feel free to open a pull request to add a new eutrophication algorithm to the script.
In order to run this script you need to have the following dependencies installed on your local machine:
- numpy and osgeo (gdal, osr), matplotlib
python -W ignore in="c:\Users\<your_username>\Desktop\data" shape="c:\Users\<your_username>\Desktop\lake_shape.shp" statistics plot
path to the sentinel-2 data folder- if you'd like to clip your region with a polygon then reference the path to your shapefile
(shape and satellite data must have the same crs) statistics
add this flag if the mean, min, max, variance and standard deviation should be calculatedplot
add this flag to create a subplot with the three water quality parameter-W ignore
to ignore numpys "RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered" error message
Make sure your data folder contains only the Sentinel-2 data with the original folder structure. The processed
folder will be
created by the script.
The path to the image data should be as follows GRANULE -> L2... -> IMG_DATA
- [1]: Grendaite et al., 2018. Chlorophyll-a concentration retrieval in eutrophic lakes in Lithuania from Sentinel-2 data. Geologija. Geografija 4 (1), 15-28.
- [2]: Esri, 2021. River Turbidity Estimation using Sentinel-2 data,
- [3]: Delegido et al., 2019. Turbidity and Secchi disc depth with Sentinel-2 in different trophic status reservoirs at the Comunidad Valenciana