This is a technical interview homework problem given by TST.
Create a user signup form prototype. Preference is for the code to be done using ReactJS, but you can also feel free to use vanilla JS. TST is currently utilizing reactjs v16.8 for development.
- Create a form with 3 input fields:
- username
- password
- confirm password
- Persist the state of the input fields entries.
- The password and confirm password input field should validate their entries by comparing both values.
- Output to the user when both fields match or do not match
- Bonus: style the form
$ git clone <repo url>
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ npm run test
$ npm run test:coverage
$ npm run lint
$ npm run lint:fix
$ npm run build
- ES6+
- NextJS (React)
- CSS modules - every component that needs styling has its own
file living right next to the owning component. This makes CSS maintenance and management trivial.
This application is structured using a modular hierarchy, which focuses on where components are used, rather than on the type of files they are. This makes it trivially easy to determine the scope of use of any given file.
Please read for more information on how this works.
Dan Kreft <[email protected]>