li2b2 - Lightweight i2b2 server and client libraries
This project is meant to be used by other software projects. Except for demos, you can not run the software on its own.
li2b2 is written in Java and needs a Java 8 Runtime Environment. To build the project from source, you need to have maven installed.
Build the project by executing mvn clean install
in the
top directory (which also contains this README file).
If you would like to contribute by working on the source code of this project, you might want to use an IDE.
The following instructions will show how to setup Eclipse for this purpose, although you can use any IDE you want.
For Eclipse, first run mvn clean install
to build the project and
then mvn eclipse:eclipse
to generate Eclipse project files.
Open in Eclipse any workspace you want and import the projects
by choosing File/Import...
and then General/Existing Projects into Workspace
If you navigate the file browser to the top level directory, you should
see four projects which can be imported.