Hi! This is a small project that tries to implement some features for exploring databases on Mongo, ¡like a bad version of atlas! 😅. Below, I'll show you how to run the project locally and where it's being run.
Have installed Node and npm
$ npm --version $ node --version
if you don't have any of these, you can install it by following this link 👉🏻 nodejs.org
Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/whatevercamps/mongo-explorer.git $ cd mongo-explorer
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Set enviroment variables In order to get connected to a real mongo database, you will have to create a file into project folder, call it .env and write this...
dbHostName=<valid database host e.g: localhost> dbName=<valid database name e.g: maindb> dbUser=<valid database admin user e.g:admin> dbPassword=<valid database admin password e.g:admin_password>
save it and... that's it!
Run the project 🎉
npm start
The current port where server are running is the :3000 port, but you can change it by going to node-explorer/bin/www file and modifying "3000" in this line ...
sh var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || "3000");
The funcional demo was deployed using Heroku and you can find it clicking that 👉🏻 demo
- Make a nice filter
- Random path and credentials generator (for ethical purposes 🤓)
- Document code
MIT Free Software, Hell Yeah!