- LivePreview Editor - Make changes, See changes
- Instantly see what your Markdown documents look like in HTML as you create them.
- Built on top of Django Framework and Python 3.X
- GitHub Flavored Markdown
- Syntax highlighting
- Use SASS
- Use Bulma, modern front-end framework
- Pygments Support
- Simple and clean UI/UX
No-bullshitNo-nonsense, get the job done.- Made with love and passion
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, virtualenv and Python installed on your computer. I assume you already setup the django environment on your machine, if not yet, then Google is your friend. From your command line:
# Create virtual environment using virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 envname
# Go into virtual environment folder
$ cd envname
# Activate virtualenv
$ source bin/activate
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/django-id/website.git django_id
# Go into the repository
$ cd django_id
# Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Migrate the databse
$ python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
# Run the app
$ python manage.py runserver
If you have docker installed. you can simply run following command to run with docker.
$ docker-compose build # Build docker images for the first time.
$ docker-compose up # Running the project.
$ docker-compose run web sh runtest.sh # Run the test.
Note: If those commands is not working, please open issue with detailed error messages.
You can download latest relase version of Django ID also.
This software uses code from several open source packages.
- Add emojis
- Create user mention/tagging feature
- Create notification system
- Create proper paginations
- Fixing its responsiveness
- Polishing its UI/UX
- ...
- v0.2 : Add user stats (Total posts and total threads) on profile page
- v0.1 : Intial release