A engine which detects prominent colors from the image.
pip install image-pcd
from pcd import ImageProminentColor
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
image_color = ImageProminentColor("<path to image file>")
prominent_colors = image_color.get_prominent_colors(KMeans, 3)
The above code-snippet gives you top 3 prominent colors in RGB form sorted in decreasing order of prominence from the image.
image_color.get_image_plot("<Save image file path>")
image_color.get_color_plot("<Save image file path>")
The above code-snippet allows you to save the images of plots of the prominent color and image original colors in 3D-space with RGB components as axis.
Sample Image | Prominent Colors | Prominent Colors Plot | Image Colors Plot |
#215d1d #97244a #1d8197 |
#7579b0 #fdfdfe #010101 |
#fefefe #323232 #67a15d |