Fallback is a microservice that was created to catch all requests when another service fails, for example, into kubernetes as default service to catch all traffic when ingress controller can NOT route to a declared ingress resource
There are defined paths for most of the common HTTP error codes
- path: "/" show 404 error page
- path: "/401"
- path: "/403"
- path: "/404"
- path: "/419"
- path: "/429"
- path: "/500"
- path: "/503"
- Laravel 7
- PHP >= 7.2.0
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Install PHP, PHP extensions, Composer, Git
- Clone the repository to a temporary folder
- Copy composer.json and composer.lock to the final location
- Go to that folder:
cd /final/location
- Execute:
composer install --no-dev --no-scripts
- Move the temporary folder's content to the final location
- Re-build the autoload file executing:
composer dump-autoload
- Configure .env file
- Create your DB tables executing:
php artisan migrate
- Give the right permissions to the files:
find /final/location -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find /final/location -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
- Configure the web server (like Nginx) to route all the requests to public/index.php
0. Install Docker
1. Clone the repository
2. Build the image with the Dockerfile included
3. Upload the image to a repository
4. Use the image with Compose or Kubernetes
* Set all the environment variables Laravel uses
+ [...]
* Mount /var/www in a volume
* Mount /var/www/storage into a volume
Now, your container is listening on port 9000 (PHP_FPM)
You just must configure an NGINX container in the way Laravel documentation explains to use the app
If you discover security vulnerabilities, please send an e-mail to Alby Hernández [[email protected]].
All security vulnerabilities will be fixed as soon as we notice them.
This is privative software and it is NOT allowed to redistribute any copy neither partial not complete.