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Mendel Monteiro-Beckerman edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 4 revisions

Next / Publish

The core pattern to publish an event to the ring buffer is:

  1. Claim a sequence number.
  2. Configure the event associated with the sequence number.
  3. Publish the sequence number.

This pattern can be simply applied using the Next / Publish methods:

// (1) Claim the next sequence
var sequence = _ringBuffer.Next();
    // (2) Get and configure the event for the sequence
    var data = _ringBuffer[sequence];
    data.Id = id;
    data.Value = value;
    // (3) Publish the event

Alternatively, you can use the PublishEvent method that returns a struct that automatically invokes Publish on disposal:

using (var scope = _ringBuffer.PublishEvent())
    var data = scope.Event();
    data.Id = id;
    data.Value = value;

    // The event is published at the end of the scope


The ring buffer is a bounded queue. When you publish an event to the Disruptor, you need to decide how your program should behave when the ring buffer is full. The default behavior is to block the producer. The call to Next is blocking and thus applies backpressure, i.e.: the producer(s) are slowed down whilst the consumer(s) continue to process messages, and no events are lost.

When the ring buffer is full, the call to Next will block the producer by spin-waiting using an AggressiveSpinWait. This publication strategy is quite suitable for latency sensitive applications, but it can generate high CPU usage. Consider using your own publication strategy if this CPU usage is an issue in your application.

Alternatives to Next

If backpressure is not the right option for your use case, or if the default spin-waiting is not appropriate for your application, you can implement your own flow control strategy using TryNext. TryNext does not block and returns false when the ring buffer is full.

There are multiple valid flow control strategies that can be implemented using TryNext:

  • Dropping data.
  • Saving data in the producer state and retrying later.
  • Waiting with a timeout.
  • Waiting using your own spin-waiter.
  • Dumping the data, for example in a log file.
  • Throwing exceptions.
  • etc.

Here is an example usage of TryNext:

/// <summary>
/// Claim an available sequence in the ring buffer.
/// When the ring buffer is full, wait for the specified duration and throw on timeout.
/// Use a SpinWait to reduce CPU usage when waiting.
/// </summary>
public static long Next(this RingBuffer ringBuffer, TimeSpan timeout)
    var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    var spinWait = new SpinWait();

        if (ringBuffer.TryNext(out var sequence))
            return sequence;
    while (stopwatch.Elapsed < timeout);

    throw new TimeoutException();

You can also use the equivalent TryPublishEvent method instead of TryNext.


Claiming and publishing sequence numbers requires coordination between producers and consumers. If you need to publish multiple events, consider using batches. Batches allow you to publish a block of contiguous events and improve performance by reducing method calls and coordination.

Batch publication is available using Next(int), PublishEvents(int) or TryNext(int, out long):

public void PublishEventBatchUsingScope(ReadOnlySpan<int> ids, double value)
    using (var scope = _ringBuffer.PublishEvents(ids.Length))
        for (var index = 0; index < ids.Length; index++)
            var sampleEvent = scope.Event(index);
            sampleEvent.Id = ids[index];
            sampleEvent.Value = value;

public void PublishEventBatchUsingRawApi(ReadOnlySpan<int> ids, double value)
    var hi = _ringBuffer.Next(ids.Length);
    var lo = hi - (ids.Length - 1);
        for (var index = 0; index < ids.Length; index++)
            var sampleEvent = _ringBuffer[lo + index];
            sampleEvent.Id = ids[index];
            sampleEvent.Value = value;
        _ringBuffer.Publish(lo, hi);