After recieving a valid Twitter username, this app generates a map with locations of all those
who follow given user, them included.
The procedure may take some time (up to a minute), because of geopy module ratelimits.
- FastAPI - which was our app built on. Great framework for both writing, and testing endpoints.
- TwitterAPI (v2) - second version gave better and simpler working experience.
- Folium - used to visualise geodata. A wrapper of Leaflet.js
- geopy - was causing some troubles with ratelimits, but so far the best available service for retieving coordinates.
App is up and running, hosted on Heroku.
Sadly, had to decrease number of followers processed for each request (100 -> 50) on cloud.
Generated map is interactive, can be zoomed in and out. Markers are also interactive and display username and more precise location (city/county) about each user.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.