In this project I am trying to provide Groovy way to work with orientdb as simple as possible. This project contains Groovy AST Transformations trying to mimic grails-entity style. All useful information you can find in Spock tests dir. For now Document API and Graph API with gremlin are supported.
And here is an example how I will use it with Spring Boot transactions
This library will transform your entity with direct vertex/edge properties/methods access, no proxies here.
###IDE Support This lib contains *.gdsl script for IntelliJ IDEA, it will work even in Community Edition, so you will feel very nice code completion. No red 'missing' methods!
##Graph example
class City {
String title
List<Person> visitedPersons
List<Person> citizens
static mapping = {
visitedPersons(edge: Visited)
citizens(edge: Lives)
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
City livesIn
List<City> visitedCities
static mapping = {
livesIn(edge: Lives)
visitedCities(edge: Visited)
@Edge(from = Person, to = City)
class Visited {
Date visitDate
@Edge(from = Person, to = City)
class Lives {
Date since
##Graph creation When you define property as connected by edge, orientdb-groovy will generate special methods for adding edges.
def first = new Person(firstName: 'First Name')
def second = new Person(firstName: 'First Name 2')
def newYork = new City(title: 'New York')
def amsterdam = new City(title: 'Amsterdam')
def visited = first.addToVisitedCities(newYork)
visited.visitDate = new Date()
def lives = first.addToLivesIn(amsterdam)
lives.since = new Date()
##Gremlin graph queries Gremlin pipes are supported.
def count = newYork.vertex.pipe().out('Visited').count()
def persons = newYork.vertex.pipe().out('Visited').has('firstName', 'First Name').toList(Person)
##Document example
@CompileStatic // yes it is fully supported
class City {
String id
String title
static mapping = {
id(field: '@rid')
class Profile {
String email
City city
Date birthday
List<String> phones
Boolean isPublic
Integer years
static transients = ['years'] // this property will not be persisted
static mapping = {
birthday(field: 'birth_date')
phones(field: 'user_phones')
city(type: OType.LINK, fetch: 'eager')
Integer getYears() {
this.years = TimeCategory.minus(new Date(), this.birthday).years
class Person {
String id
String firstName
String lastName
Profile profile
static mapping = {
id(field: '@rid')
profile(type: OType.EMBEDDED)
class Country {
String id
String title
List<City> cities
static mapping = {
id(field: '@rid')
cities(type: OType.LINKLIST)
def phones = ['+900000000', '+800000000', '+7000000']
def city = new City(title: 'New York')
def profile = new Profile(isPublic: true, phones: phones, city: city, birthDay: new Date())
def person = new Person(profile: profile, firstName: 'PersonFirstName', lastName: 'PersonLastName')
###Document Quering
def personList = Person.executeQuery('select from Person where firstName=?', 'Bart')
def personList2 = User.executeQuery('select from User where firstName=:a and lastName like :b', [a: 'Bart', b: '%Simpson%'])
Check OrientDocumentTransformationsTest for more details.