Setup and maintain your staging environments from your production backups!
pg_staging implements commands for playing with your PostgreSQL_ <> backups, allowing you to expose in devel or prelive environments more than one copy of a live database at the same time.
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pg_staging is all about leaveraging your backups procedures, and propose commands allowing to restore those into environments developpers are using to validate their code.
Thanks to pgbouncer you can setup things so that psql -h devel mydb will connect to whatever you restored last, which is called mydb_YYYYMMDD, after the date the backup was taken. pg_staging supports switching
Please refer to the manual for details.
You have 3 ways to use the pg_staging commands:
interactive console
command line interface command arg1 arg2
(echo 'arg1'; echo 'arg2') | pg_staging
All those interfaces expose the exact same set of commands, use the one best fitting your usage environment.
Please note that the scripting .pgs support is pretty limited currently, it lets you get and set configuration and run the usual commands.
The setup is to be handled in .ini files, where you describe your target environment in terms of the production one. Basically you tell pg_staging where to find your backups and restore them.