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Simon Kelly edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 2 revisions

CommCare Properties Page (CommCare 1.3.X)

The following is a list of properties commonly available in CommCare clients, along with a list of acceptable values. If a property will default to another value if not provided, that value is listed.

Purge Frequency - How often the phone should attempt to purge any cached storage which may have expired

  • Property: purge-freq
  • Values: Any positive integer. Represents period of purging in days.
  • Default: 0 - Purge on each login
  • Since: 1.1

Days for Review - How long the phone will retain completed forms for review.

  • Property: cc-review-days
  • Values: Any positive integer. Represents period of purging in days.
  • Default: 7 days
  • Since: 1.1

Phone Locale - The locale (Language) that the application will use. Must be installed

  • Property: cur_locale
  • Defaults-To: default
  • Values: The two letter language code (or validly defined language code) of a locale file which has been properly registered.
  • Since: 1.1

Logging Enabled - Whether logging of incidents should be activated on the client.

  • Property: logenabled
  • Defaults-To: Enabled
  • Values: Enabled, Disabled
  • Since: 1.1

**Log Submit URL ** - The URL to submit logs

  • Property: log_prop_submit
  • Requires: Logging to be Enabled
  • Defaults-To: PostURL property
  • Values: Any URL
  • Since: 1.1

Weekly Log Sending Frequency - What kind of log transmission the phone should attempt on a weekly basis (submitted to PostURL)

  • Property: log_prop_weekly
  • Defaults-To: log_never
  • Requires: Logging to be Enabled
  • Values: log_never, log_short, log_full
  • Since: 1.1

Daily Log Sending Frequency - What kind of log transmission the phone should attempt on a weekly basis (submitted to PostURL)

  • Property: log_prop_daily
  • Requires: Logging to be Enabled
  • Defaults-To: log_never
  • Values: log_never, log_short, log_full
  • Since: 1.1

** Record Submission Format ** - What CommCare does with forms once they are completed and parsed. Useful for disabling form sending in non-connected environments.

  • Property: cc-send-procedure
  • Defaults-To: cc-send-http
  • Values: cc-send-http, cc-send-file, cc-send-none
  • Description: Send Via HTTP, Save to the File System, and 'Do Nothing', respectively.
  • Since: 1.1

** Password Format ** - What format user's passwords take

  • Property: password_format
  • Defaults-To: n
  • Values: a,n
  • Description: Alphanumeric and Numeric
  • Since: 1.1

** Form Entry Style ** - What user interface style should be used during form entry.

  • Property: ViewStyle
  • Values: v_chatterbox,v_singlequestionscreen
  • Default: v_chatterbox
  • Description: Chatterbox displays a running list of questions on the screen at the same time. One Question per Screen displays each question independently. Note: OQPS does not support some features
  • Since: 1.1

** Loose Media Mode ** - Whether CommCare should search for alternative formats of incompatible media files.

  • Property: loose_media
  • Values: yes,no
  • Default: no
  • Description: When loose media mode is set to yes, CommCare will search for alternative media formats for any media that it cannot play. If CommCare attempts to play a file at jr://file/media/prompt_one.mp3 and mp3 files are not supported, the media directory will be searched for other files named prompt_one with alternative extensions which may be supported, for instance prompt_one.wav, and play that instead.
  • Since: 1.3

CommCare Application Configuration

These features relate to CommCare's ongoing operation and an applicaiton's specific configuration.

** Auto Update Frequency ** - How often the application should attempt to check for updates.

  • Property: cc-autoup-freq
  • Values: freq-never,freq-daily,freq-weekly
  • Default: freq-never
  • Description: After login, the applicaiton will look at the profile's defined reference for the authoritative location of the newest version. This check will occur with some periodicity since the last successful check based on this property. freq-never disables the automatic check.
  • Since: 1.3 Online Features == These features pertain to communication with the server

** Post Server Url ** - The URL of the server to which completed forms will be submitted to

  • Property: PostURL
  • Values: Any URL
  • Since: 1.1

PostTestURL - The URL of the server to which completed forms will be submitted to if the application isn't released (Release JAD property set). ** Use of this property is discouraged **

  • Property: PostTestURL
  • Defaults-To: PostURL Property
  • Values: Any URL
  • Since: 1.1

Data Sync URL - The URL of the server which will be queried to download case data

  • Property: ota-restore-url
  • Values: Any positive integer. Represents period of purging in days.
  • Since: 1.1

Testing Data Sync URL - The URL of the server which will be queried to download case data if the application isn't released (Release JAD property set). ** Use of this property is discouraged **

  • Property: ota-restore-url-testing
  • Defaults-To: ota-restore-url Property
  • Values: Any URL
  • Since: 1.1

** Server User Registration ** - Whether users registered on the phone need to be registered with the submission server.

  • Property: user_reg_server
  • Defaults-To: required
  • Values: required,skip
  • Description: Set to skip if your deployment does not require users to register with the server. Note that this will likely result in OTA Restore and other features being unavailable.
  • Since: 1.1

** Server Tethering Mode ** - Whether the server attempts to synchronize data with the phone, or only attempt to return data on demand.

  • Property: server-tether
  • Values: push-only,sync
  • Default: push-only
  • Since: 1.1

** OTA Restore Tolerance ** - Whether OTA Restore is tolerant of failures, ambiguity, duplicate registrations, etc (and proceeds as best it can), or whether it fails immediately in these cases.

  • Property: restore-tolerance
  • Defaults-To: loose
  • Values: strict,loose
  • Since: 1.1

Sense Features

These features will always be set to a specific value if the CommCare Sense Feature is enabled for the application.

** Form Entry Mode ** - Whether form entry is optimized for speed, or for new users.

  • Property: cc-entry-mode
  • Values: cc-entry-quick,cc-entry-review
  • Default: cc-entry-quick
  • Sense-Value: cc-entry-review
  • Description: Review mode will display information about questions for longer and require more input from the user. Quick will proceed to the next question whenever enough information is provided.
  • Since: 1.1

** Send Unsent Style ** - How Send All Unsent functionality is presented to the user

  • Property: cc-send-unsent
  • Values: cc-su-auto,cc-su-man
  • Description: If automatic is enabled, forms will attempt to send on their own without intervention from the user. If manual is enabled, the user must manually decide when to attempt to send forms.
  • Default: cc-su-man
  • Sense-Value: cc-su-auto
  • Overriden-By: If server-tether is set to sync, automatic cannot be used.
  • Since: 1.1

** Extra Key Action ** - What the 'Extra Key' (# on Nokia Phones) does when pressed in Chatterbox

  • Property: extra_key_action
  • Values: cycle,audio
  • Default: cycle
  • Sense-Value: audio
  • Description: cycle cycles through available languages. audio plays the question's audio if available. NOTE: If audio is selected, a question's audio will not be played by default when the question is displayed.
  • Since: 1.1

** User Login Mode ** - The style of user login for the device, manual or automatic.

  • Property: cc-user-mode
  • Values: cc-u-normal,cc-u-auto
  • Default: cc-u-normal
  • Sense-Value: cc-u-auto
  • Description: cc-u-normal is the normal CommCare user mode (users log in each time with their username and password. cc-u-auto enables auto-login mode. In auto-login mode, once a user (not the 'admin' or 'demo' users) has logged in, the application will start up with that user already logged in.
  • Since: 1.3


The following properties aren't meant to be set and customized by a user, but rather by a server or other automated process.

** OpenRosa API Version ** - What version of the OpenRosa API's the application should expect to use

  • Property: jr_openrosa_api
  • Values: 1.0 or null
  • Description: Should be set on applications which will be communicating with an OpenRosa 1.0 API server.
  • Since: 1.1

** CommCare User Domain ** - The server's user domain which is used to disambiguate users while maintaining a unique name per domain

  • Property: cc_user_domain
  • Values: Any string. Will be appended to the user's username whenever digest authentication requests are made.
  • Example:
  • Since: 1.1