Here is successful attempt to implement reasonable type representation. Meanwhile new approach to mimic Haskell's type classes and do even more was developed.
Please see examples of usage in Test.agda and Example.agda.
Main data type is following:
data TypeRep [heterogeneous-type-ctors-vector] type
It has two parameters: vector of possible type constructors (Maybe, Int, Either, etc.) and represented type. There are two possible ways. Type "type" is one of type constructors from vector, or it is application of two types which also have type representation. In this way one can easily define decidable function for two types which have type representation.
decide : {t₁ t₂ : Set} → TypeRep vec t₁ → TypeRep vec t₂ → t₁ ≡ t₂ ⊎ t₁ ≢ t₂
Recursive instance search doesn't work in Agda. But using type level computation we can simulate it. The main idea is to expand type of function in the way it will include all the necessary instance arguments. Also every new instance may contain additional requirements. Let's say we want to create Show type class which will handle complex structures. For lists we have to do something like this:
record Show (t : Set) : Set where
constructor mkShow
field get : t → String
ShowList : ∀ {a} → Instance (Show (List a))
ShowList {a} = instance [ Show a ] (mkShow ∘ helper ∘ Show.get)
helper : (a → String) → List a → String
helper show xs = "[" ++ shows xs ++ "]"
shows : List a → String
shows [] = ""
shows (x ∷ []) = show x
shows (x ∷ xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ shows xs
You can see that to define an instance we have to say what it requires and how to get exact instance if all the requirements provided.