- K8s High Level Architecture
- AKS High Level Architecture
- AKS Baseline Architecture
- Target Reference Architecture
- What to Accomplish
- References
- Create Infrastructure for the AKS cluster
- Service Principal
- Hub Virtual network
- Spoke Virtual Network
- Azure Container Registry
- KeyVault
- Role Assignments
- Create AKS Cluster
- Cluster Configuration - Post Creation
- Secure Inbound Access
- Deploy Internal Load Balancer
- Deploy External Load Balancer
- Create Namespces for various Environments - DEV, QA, Smoke
- Deploy Microservices for each environment
- Check end to end Connectivity
- Network Policies - Add Easst-West traffic Security
- Monitoring, Logs
- Cluster Health
- Node and Pod Health
- Observe and Analyze Workload Deployments
- View Metrics from Azure Portal
- View Insights from Azure Portal
- Create a Dashboard in Azure Portal
- Log Analytics with Container Insights
- Select Pre-defined Queries and Check Results
- Create Azure Monitor Workbook and View Results
- Cluster Maintenance
- Cluster Upgrades
- Node Image Upgrades
- Connectivity with Control Plane
Enhanced Control of K8s cluster
- Admission Webhook; Validation Webhook
Integration with APIM
Integration with DevOps
baseFolderPath="" setupFolderPath="$baseFolderPath/Setup" microservicesFolderPath="$baseFolderPath/Microservices" tenantId="" subscriptionId="" aksResourceGroup="aks-train-rg" masterResourceGroup="master-workshop-rg" location="eastus" clusterName="aks-train-cluster" version="1.20.9" acrName="akstrnacr" acrId= keyVaultName="aks-train-kv" keyvaultId= masterVnetName="master-workshop-vnet" masterVnetPrefix="" masterVnetId= masterSubnetName="master-js-ubuntuvm-subnet" masterSubnetPrefix="" masterSubnetId= aksVnetName="aks-train-vnet" aksVnetPrefix="" aksVnetId= aksSubnetName="aks-train-subnet" aksSubnetPrefix="" aksSubnetId= aksIngressSubnetName="aks-train-ingress-subnet" aksIngressSubnetPrefix="" aksIngressSubnetId= aksServicePrefix="" dnsServiceIP="" appgwName="aks-train-appgw" appgwSubnetName="aks-train-appgw-subnet" appgwSubnetPrefix="" appgwSubnetId= apimName="aks-train-apim" apimSubnetName="aks-train-apim-subnet" apimSubnetPrefix="" apimSubnetId= sysPoolName=akssyspool sysPoolNodeSize="Standard_DS2_v2" sysPoolNodeCount=3 sysPoolMaxPods=30 sysPoolMaxNodeCount=5 apiPoolName=aksapipool apiPoolNodeSize="Standard_DS2_v2" apiPoolNodeCount=3 apiPoolMaxPods=30 apiPoolMaxNodeCount=5 networkPlugin=azure networkPolicy=azure vmSetType=VirtualMachineScaleSets osType=Linux addons=monitoring masterAKSPeering="$masterVnetName-$aksVnetName-peering" aksMasterPeering="$aksVnetName-$masterVnetName-peering" masterPrivateDNSLink="$masterVnetName-dns-plink" aksPrivateDNSLink="$aksVnetName-dns-plink" aksIngControllerName="aks-train-ing" aksIngControllerNSName="$aksIngControllerName-ns" aksIngControllerFileName="internal-ingress" aksIngControllerFilePath="$baseFolderPath/Setup/Common/internal-ingress.yaml" privateDNSZoneName="" privateDNSZoneId= backendIpAddress= aadAdminGroupIDs="" aadTenantID="" objectId="" spAppId="" spPassword="" logWorkspaceName="aks-train-lw" lwResourceGroup="monitoring-workshop-rg"
#Login to Azure az login --tenant $tenantId #Check Selected Subscription az account show #Set appropriate Subscription, if needed #az account set -s $subscriptionId
#Create Service Principal az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n https://aks-train-sp { "appId": "", "displayName": "https://arc-aks-sp", "name": "", "password": "", "tenant": "" } #Create Service Principal az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n https://aks-train-sp { "appId": "", "displayName": "https://arc-aks-sp", "name": "", "password": "", "tenant": "" } #Set Service Principal variables spAppId="" spPassword=""
#Create Resource Group for AKS workloads az group create -n $aksResourceGroup -l $location
#Deploy Hub Virtual Network az network vnet create -n $masterVnetName -g $masterResourceGroup --address-prefixes $masterVnetPrefix masterVnetId=$(az network vnet show -n $masterVnetName -g $masterResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $masterVnetId #Deploy Jump Server Subnet inside Hub Virtual Network az network vnet subnet create -n $masterSubnetName --vnet-name $masterVnetName -g $masterResourceGroup --address-prefixes $masterSubnetPrefix masterSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $masterSubnetName --vnet-name $masterVnetName -g $masterResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $masterSubnetId
#Deploy Spoke Virtual Network az network vnet create -n $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksVnetPrefix aksVnetId=$(az network vnet show -n $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksVnetId #Deploy AKS Subnet inside Spoke Virtual Network az network vnet subnet create -n $aksSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksSubnetPrefix aksSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $aksSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksSubnetId #Deploy Ingress Subnet inside Spoke Virtual Network az network vnet subnet create -n $aksIngressSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksIngressSubnetPrefix aksIngressSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $aksIngressSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksIngressSubnetId #Deploy Application Gateway Subnet inside Spoke Virtual Network az network vnet subnet create -n $appgwSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $appgwSubnetPrefix appgwSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $appgwSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $appgwSubnetId #Deploy API Management Subnet inside Spoke Virtual Network az network vnet subnet create -n $apimSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $apimSubnetPrefix apimSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $apimSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $apimSubnetId #Assign Role to Spoke Virtual Network az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "Network Contributor" --scope $aksVnetId
#Deploy ACR az acr create -n $acrName -g $aksResourceGroup --sku STANDARD --admin-enabled false acrId=$(az acr show -n $acrName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $acrId #Assign Role to Service Principal for the ACR az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "AcrPull" --scope $acrId
#Deploy KeyVault az keyvault create -n $keyVaultName -g $aksResourceGroup --sku Standard objectId=$(az ad user show --id [email protected] --query="objectId" -o tsv) #Set Access Policy to KeyVault for the loged in User az keyvault set-policy -n $keyVaultName -g $aksResourceGroup --key-permissions get list update create delete \ --secret-permissions get list set delete --certificate-permissions get list update create delete \ --object-id $objectId keyvaultId=$(az keyvault show -n $keyVaultName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv)
#Deploy LogAnalytics Workspace az monitor log-analytics workspace create -n $logWorkspaceName -g $lwResourceGroup logWorkspaceId=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show -n $logWorkspaceName -g $lwResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $logWorkspaceId #Assign Role to Service Principal for the LogAnalytics Workspace az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "Contributor" --scope $logWorkspaceId
#Master Vnet to AKS Peering az network vnet peering create -n $masterAKSPeering --remote-vnet $aksVnetName \ -g $masterResourceGroup --vnet-name $masterVnetName #AKS Vnet to Master Peering az network vnet peering create -n $aksMasterPeering --remote-vnet $masterVnetName \ -g $masterResourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName
#Create Public AKS cluster az aks create --name $clusterName \ --resource-group $aksResourceGroup \ --kubernetes-version $version --location $location \ --vnet-subnet-id "$aksSubnetId" --enable-addons $addons \ --service-cidr $aksServicePrefix --dns-service-ip $dnsServiceIP \ --node-vm-size $sysPoolNodeSize \ --node-count $sysPoolNodeCount --max-pods $sysPoolMaxPods \ --service-principal $spAppId \ --client-secret $spPassword \ --network-plugin $networkPlugin --network-policy $networkPolicy \ --nodepool-name $sysPoolName --vm-set-type $vmSetType \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --enable-aad \ --aad-admin-group-object-ids $aadAdminGroupIDs \ --aad-tenant-id $aadTenantID \ --attach-acr $acrName --workspace-resource-id $logWorkspaceId
#Connect to AKS cluster and check status az aks get-credentials -g $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --admin --overwrite kubectl get ns #Connect to AKS cluster as Admin az aks get-credentials -g $resourceGroup -n $clusterName --admin
#Create Additional Nodepool - API Nodepool az aks nodepool add --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $aksResourceGroup \ --name $apiPoolName --kubernetes-version $version --max-pods $apiPoolMaxPods \ --node-count $apiPoolNodeCount --node-vm-size $apiPoolNodeSize --os-type $osType \ --mode User
az aks nodepool update --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $aksResourceGroup \ --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count $sysPoolNodeCount --max-count $sysPoolMaxNodeCount \ --name $sysPoolName
az aks nodepool update --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $aksResourceGroup \ --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count $apiPoolNodeCount --max-count $apiPoolMaxNodeCount \ --name $apiPoolName
#A Private DNS Zone is needed to resolve all Private IP addresses #Prepare Azure Private DNS Zone #Create Azure Private DNS Zone az network private-dns zone create -n $privateDNSZoneName -g $masterResourceGroup privateDNSZoneId=$(az network private-dns zone show -g $masterResourceGroup -n $privateDNSZoneName --query="id" -o tsv) echo $privateDNSZoneId #Add RecordSet for dev az network private-dns record-set a create -n aks-train-dev -g $masterResourceGroup --zone-name $privateDNSZoneName az network private-dns record-set a add-record -a $backendIpAddress -n aks-train-dev -g $masterResourceGroup -z $privateDNSZoneName #Add RecordSet for qa az network private-dns record-set a create -n aks-train-qa -g $masterResourceGroup --zone-name $privateDNSZoneName az network private-dns record-set a add-record -a $backendIpAddress -n aks-train-qa -g $masterResourceGroup -z $privateDNSZoneName #Add RecordSet for smoke az network private-dns record-set a create -n aks-train-smoke -g $masterResourceGroup --zone-name $privateDNSZoneName az network private-dns record-set a add-record -a $backendIpAddress -n aks-train-smoke -g $masterResourceGroup -z $privateDNSZoneName #Link master Virtual Network to Private DNS Zone az network private-dns link vnet create -g $masterResourceGroup -n $masterPrivateDNSLink -z $privateDNSZoneName -v $masterVnetId -e false az network private-dns link vnet show -g $masterResourceGroup -n $masterPrivateDNSLink -z $privateDNSZoneName #Link AKS Virtual Network to Private DNS Zone az network private-dns link vnet create -g $masterResourceGroup -n $aksPrivateDNSLink -z $privateDNSZoneName -v $aksVnetId -e false az network private-dns link vnet show -g $masterResourceGroup -n $aksPrivateDNSLink -z $privateDNSZoneName #Create Ingress Namespace kubectl create namespace $aksIngControllerNSName #kubectl label namespace $aksIngControllerNSName name=$aksIngControllerNSName #Install nginx as ILB using Helm helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx helm repo update #Install Ingress controller helm install $aksIngControllerName ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace $aksIngControllerNSName \ #Specify configuration values for Ingress controller -f $ingControllerFilePath \ #Ensures Private IP for Nginx Ingress Controller --set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=$backendIpAddress \ #Ensures that the Nginx Ingress Controller is deployed only on System pool (Good practice) --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName \ #Specify the Subnet from Ingress controller should pick IP addresses (Good practice) --set controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet'=$aksIngressSubnetName helm install $aksIngControllerName ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace $aksIngControllerNSName \ -f $aksIngControllerFilePath \ --set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=$backendIpAddress \ --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName \ --set controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet'=$aksIngressSubnetName #helm uninstall $aksIngControllerName --namespace $aksIngControllerNSName #Check Ingress Controller IP kubectl get svc -A
#Create Namespaces #DEV workloads kubectl create ns aks-train-dev #QA workloads kubectl create ns aks-train-qa #Smoke Test kubectl create ns aks-train-smoke
#Deploy Application Gateway Portal - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/quick-create-portal CLI - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/quick-create-cli
Ideally this should be done through ARM template; for this exercise, assume that the resource would be created using Azure Portal
Components created along with Application Gateway
Backend Pool
- IP Addresses/FQDNs of the AKS Cluster
- Requests would be forwarded to this cluster
Http/s Listeners
- Listens for all incoming traffics
- Supports both Http and Https clients
- Clients that want to connect over Https, should upload the PFX Certificate (containing the Private Key) of their DNS server; during the Creation or Initial Configuration of Application Gateway
- Application Gateway acts as a server for the Client that wants to connect. For Https, it uses the Private Key of PFX certificate to Decrypt message from Clients
- Basic
- Single Tenant
- Client wants to connect to only single Backend Pool
- Multi-Site
- Multi Tenant
- Same Client wants to connect to multiple backends based on host-header or host-name
Http Rules
- Single backend host for the Associated Listener
- Routing is handled the backend only (i.e. in this case inside AKS cluster); nothing to be decided at the Application Gateway level
- Route to appropriate backend based on Path parameters
- Same backend host but different internal paths - /backend/path1, /backend/path2 etc.
Http Settings
Defines Backend Http/S settings
- Client does not want SSL to flow through then it is offloaded at Application Gateway and subsequent communication is Http
- SSL to continue till Backend host
- Need to upload Trusted Toot Certificate of the Backend Server
- Here Application Gateway acts as the Client and backend host acts as the Server
Health Probe
Monitors the health of Backend Pool
Removes Unhealthy resources from Pool automatically and Puts them back when they are healthy
Consults with Http Settings and based on the configuration calls defined health probe route periodically
For backend systems like AKS or APIM, this is imperative that a custom health probe is specified while creating or configuring the Application Gateway
Target IP address is the Private IP of the Nginx Ingress Controller of AKS cluster
All requests are finally routed to this IP
This IP address is resolved through Azure Private DNS (Ref: Secure AKS cluster )
- InBound calls can reach to Application Gateway and ultimately to the AKS cluster in different ways
- dev - for connecting to the DEV environment of the AKS cluster
- qa - for connecting to the QA environment of the AKS cluster
- InBound calls can reach to Application Gateway and ultimately to the AKS cluster in different ways
- Decides how Application Gateway connects to the AKS cluster
- Which environment in backend to connect to
- dev - connects to aks-train-dev.internal..com over HTTP (80)
- qa - connects to aks-train-dev.internal..com ocer HTTPS (443)
#SSL Offloading at Application Gateway #Current setup for DEV as described above is already setup for this #PFX Certtificate is uploaded at Application Gateway for the Listener - aks-train-appgw-dev-listener #Http Settings for aks-train-appgw-dev-http-settings - is setup over Http (80) #Traffic from Application Gateway to Nginx Ingress Controller of AKS cluster is over Http (80)
ingress: name: aks-workshop-ingress namespace: aks-train-dev annotations: ingressClass: nginx proxyBodySize: "10m" enableCors: "true" rewriteTarget: /$1 hosts: #NO TLS is enabled; hence traffic reaches Ingress over Http (80) #Private DNS Zone name - name: aks-train-dev.<dns-name> paths: - path: /?(.*) pathType: Prefix service: ratingsweb-service port: 80
#SSL Offloading at Nginx Ingress Controller #Current setup for QA as described above is already setup for this #PFX Certtificate is uploaded at Application Gateway for the Listener - aks-train-appgw-dev-listener #Http Settings for aks-train-appgw-qa-http-settings - is setup over Https (443) #Traffic from Application Gateway to Nginx Ingress Controller of AKS cluster is over Https (443)
ingress: name: aks-workshop-ingress namespace: aks-train-qa annotations: ingressClass: nginx proxyBodySize: "10m" enableCors: "true" rewriteTarget: /$1 tls: #TLS is enabled; hence traffic reaches Ingress over Https (443) #TLS is offloaded at Ingress - hosts: #K8s secret for holding the TLS Certificate - "*.<dns-name>" secretName: aks-workshop-tls-secret hosts: #Private DNS Zone name - name: aks-train-qa.<dns-name> paths: - path: /?(.*) pathType: Prefix service: ratingsweb-service port: 80
#Deploy RBAC for the AKS cluster helm create rbac-chart helm install rbac-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm upgrade rbac-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/values-dev.yaml helm install rbac-chart -n aks-train-qa $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm upgrade rbac-chart -n aks-train-qa $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/rbac-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm uninstall rbac-chart #Check access by multiple login ids az aks get-credentials -g $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName kubectl get no kubectl get ns
#Deploy Ingress Rule object for Smoke namespace helm create ingress-chart helm install ingress-chart -n aks-train-smoke $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/values-smoke.yaml #helm upgrade ingress-chart -n aks-train-smoke $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/values-smoke.yaml #helm uninstall ingress-chart -n aks-train-smoke
#Test Cluster Health and end-to-end connectivity #Deploy Nginx app in Smoke Namespace az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/library/nginx:alpine -t nginx:alpine helm create smoke-tests-chart helm install smoke-tests-chart -n aks-train-smoke $setupFolderPath/Helms/smoke-tests-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/smoke-tests-chart/values-smoke.yaml #helm upgrade smoke-tests-chart -n aks-train-smoke $setupFolderPath/Helms/smoke-tests-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/smoke-tests-chart/values-smoke.yaml #helm uninstall smoke-tests-chart -n aks-train-smoke #Call Nginx app Url; check end-to-end connectivity curl -k https://smoke-<appgw-dns-name>/healthz
#SSL Offloading at Application Gateway #Current implementation DEV is already setup for this #PFX Certtificate is uploaded at Application Gateway for the Listener - aks-train-appgw-dev-listener #Http Settings for aks-train-appgw-dev-http-settings - is setup over Http (80) #Traffic from Application Gateway to Nginx Ingress Controller of AKS cluster is over Http (80)
ingress: name: aks-workshop-ingress namespace: aks-train-dev annotations: ingressClass: nginx proxyBodySize: "10m" enableCors: "true" rewriteTarget: /$1 hosts: #NO TLS is enabled; hence traffic reaches Ingress over Http (80) #Private DNS Zone name - name: aks-train-dev.<dns-name> paths: - path: /?(.*) pathType: Prefix service: ratingsweb-service port: 80
​ ingress-chart/values-qa-tls.yaml
ingress: name: aks-workshop-ingress namespace: aks-train-qa annotations: ingressClass: nginx proxyBodySize: "10m" enableCors: "true" rewriteTarget: /$1 tls: #TLS is enabled; hence traffic reaches Ingress over Https (443) #TLS is offloaded at Ingress - hosts: #K8s secret for holding the TLS Certificate - "*.<dns-name>" secretName: aks-workshop-tls-secret hosts: #Private DNS Zone name - name: aks-train-qa.<dns-name> paths: - path: /?(.*) pathType: Prefix service: ratingsweb-service port: 80
#Deploy more apps - Ratings app #Deploy backend Mongo DB as container kubectl create ns db helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo update helm install ratingsdb bitnami/mongodb -n db \ --set auth.username=ratingsuser,auth.password=ratingspwd,auth.database=ratingsdb \ --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName #Remove backend Mongo DB container #helm uninstall ratingsdb #RatingsApi - Ratings API backend #Clone/Fork/Download Souerce code https://github.com/monojit18/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-api.git #CD to the director where Dockerfile exists #This docker build but performed in a Cloud Agent(VM) by ACR az acr build -t $acrName.azurecr.io/ratings-api:v1.0.0 -r $acrName . kubectl create secret generic aks-workshop-mongo-secret -n aks-train-dev \ --from-literal=MONGOCONNECTION="mongodb://ratingsuser:[email protected]:27017/ratingsdb" #Change <acrName> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Change <agentpool> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml helm install ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-dev $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm upgrade ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-dev $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm uninstall ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-dev #RatingsWeb - Ratings App Frontend #Clone/Fork/Download Souerce code https://github.com/monojit18/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-web.git #CD to the director where Dockerfile exists #This docker build but performed in a Cloud Agent(VM) by ACR az acr build -t $acrName.azurecr.io/ratings-web:v1.0.0 -r $acrName . #Change <acrName> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Change <agentpool> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml helm install ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-dev $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm upgrade ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-dev $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm uninstall ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-dev
#Deploy Ingress Rule object for DEV namespace helm create ingress-chart helm install ingress-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm upgrade ingress-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm uninstall ingress-chart -n aks-train-dev #Call Ratings app Url; check end-to-end connectivity curl -k https://dev-<appgw-dns-name>/
#Deploy more apps - Ratings app kubectl create secret generic aks-workshop-mongo-secret -n aks-train-qa --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 \ --from-literal=MONGOCONNECTION="mongodb://ratingsuser:[email protected]:27017/ratingsdb" #Change <acrName> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-qa.yaml #Change <agentpool> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-qa.yaml helm install ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-qa $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm upgrade ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-qa $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm uninstall ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-qa #RatingsWeb - Ratings App Frontend #Change <acrName> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-qa.yaml #Change <agentpool> in the $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-qa.yaml helm install ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-qa $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm upgrade ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-qa $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/ -f $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsweb-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm uninstall ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-qa
#Deploy Ingress Rule object for QA namespace helm install ingress-chart -n aks-train-qa $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm upgrade ingress-chart -n aks-train-qa $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/ingress-chart/values-qa.yaml #helm uninstall ingress-chart -n aks-train-qa #Call Ratings app Url; check end-to-end connectivity curl -k https://qa-<appgw-dns-name>/
- Specify Requests for CPU and Memory
- Specify Limits for CPU and Memory
- Start Low on Both and then increase gradually through Load Testing
- Both should depend on the Application running within the Container; and the load that is can handle
#Goto $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Modify values accordingly #Move from Low to High #Check the differences memoryRequest: "64Mi" cpuRequest: "100m" memoryLimit: "256Mi" cpuLimit: "200m"
- Provide Endpoints to check Readiness of the Container
- Provide Endpoints to check Liveness of the Container
#Goto $microservicesFolderPath/Helms/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Modify values accordingly #Move from Low to High #Check the differences readinessPort: 3000 readinessPath: /healthz livenessPort: 3000 livenessPath: /healthz
#East-West Traffic Security helm install netpol-ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/values-ratingsapi-dev.yaml #helm upgrade netpol-ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/values-ratingsapi-dev.yaml #helm uninstall netpol-ratingsapi-chart -n aks-train-dev
helm install netpol-ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/values-ratingsweb-dev.yaml #helm upgrade netpol-ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-dev $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/ -f $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/values-ratingsweb-dev.yaml #helm uninstall netpol-ratingsweb-chart -n aks-train-dev
#Call Ratings app Url; check end-to-end connectivity curl -k https://dev-<appgw-dns-name>/ podName=$(kubectl get pod -l app=nginx-pod -n primary -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') #Should FAIL kubectl exec -it $podName -n aks-train-smoke -- curl -k http://ratingsapp-web.aks-train-dev.svc/ podName=$(kubectl get pod -l app=ratingsweb-pod -n primary -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') #Should SUCCEED kubectl exec -it $podName -n aks-train-dev -- curl -k http://ratingsapp-web.aks-train-dev.svc/ #Special Look at the file - $setupFolderPath/Helms/netpol-chart/values-ratingsweb-dev.yaml #Allow all Egress - {} #Enable this to make Egress restrictions # - destinations: # - podSelector: # matchLabels: # app: ratingsapi-pod #Enable/Diasble this to see changes in Egress flow # - namespaceSelector: # matchLabels: # name: kube-system # podSelector: # matchLabels: # k8s-app: kube-dns #Enable this to make Egress restrictions # ports: # - protocol: TCP # port: 3000 #Enable/Diasble this to see changes in Egress flow # - protocol: TCP # port: 53 # - protocol: UDP # port: 53
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#Azure Monitor with Prometheus https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/containers/container-insights-prometheus-integration#configure-and-deploy-configmaps #Prometheus config map https://aka.ms/container-azm-ms-agentconfig
#AKS Monitoring with Grafana https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/grafana/README.md helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts helm repo update kubectl create ns grafana-monitor helm install aks-train-grafana -n grafana-monitor grafana/grafana --set nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysPoolName #helm uninstall aks-train-grafana -n grafana-monitor #Integrate Grafan with Azure Monitor https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/grafana-azure-monitor-datasource/
#Load testing with JMeter https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-global/scalable-apache-jmeter-test-framework-using-azure-kubernetes/ba-p/1197379 #UNCOMMENT: HPA in .helmignore for RatingsApi app #Redeploy RatingsApi app #Open JMeter
Refer Here
- How Many Additional Nodes to add while Upgrade in progress?
- Default = 1
- Standard/Optimal = 33% (of existing no. of nodes in Nodepool)
- This value can be Integer as well as Percentage
- How Many Additional Nodes to add while Upgrade in progress?
- Minimum of Max Surge can be 1
- Maximum of Max Surge can be equal to the number of nodes in your node pool
- Larger values can be set but the maximum number of nodes used for max surge won't be higher than the number of nodes in the pool at the time of upgrade
- Add a new buffer node (or as many nodes as configured in max surge) to the cluster that runs the specified Kubernetes version
- Cordon and Drain one of the old nodes to minimize disruption to running applications (if you're using max surge it will cordon and drain as many nodes at the same time as the number of buffer nodes specified).
- When the old node is fully drained, it will be reimaged to receive the new version and it will become the buffer node for the following node to be upgraded
- This process repeats until all nodes in the cluster have been upgraded
- At the end of the process, the last buffer node will be deleted, maintaining the existing agent node count and zone balance
$upgradeVersion="" az aks get-upgrades --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --output table az aks upgrade --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --kubernetes-version $upgradeVersion #Check if Upgrade is successful az aks show --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --output table
#Check Node details kubectl describe nodes <NodeName> #Update All Nodes in All Nodepools az aks upgrade --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --node-image-only #Update All Nodes in a specific Nodepool (Not recommened!!) $nodepoolToUpgrade="" az aks upgrade --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --node-image-only az aks nodepool upgrade --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --name $nodepoolToUpgrade --node-image-only #Upgrade with additional Nodes to avoid any downtime az aks nodepool upgrade --resource-group $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --name $nodepoolToUpgrade \ --max-surge 33% --node-image-only --no-wait
#Cleanup resources - Individual #az aks delete -g $aksResourceGroup -n $clusterName --yes #az acr delete -g $aksResourceGroup -n $acrName --yes #az keyvault delete -g $aksResourceGroup -n $keyVaultName --yes #az network application-gateway delete -g $aksResourceGroup -n $aksVnetName --yes #az network vnet delete -g $aksResourceGroup -n $aksVnetName --yes #Cleanup resources - All #az group delete -n $aksResourceGroup --yes