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Shape is a type of Node that implements IDrawable and IPrimitive. It can be added to Groups.

Table of Contents

Shape Attributes

Attributes Description
visible Whether the node is visible (default: true)
listening Whether the node is listening for events (default: true)
fillColor Fill color
fillGradient Gradient used to fill the shape (or lines), i.e. RadialGradient, LinearGradient or PatternGradient
alpha Opacity (default: 1.0)
strokeColor Stroke color (default: "black")
strokeWidth Stroke width (default: 1)
dashArray DashArray of numbers describing the on and off dash segments
dashOffset Distance before DashArray takes effect
lineJoin Defines how the connections of the stroke segments will be drawn
miterLimit Maximum length of mitered corners
lineCap Defines how the ends of the stroke will be drawn
shadow Draws a shadow under the shape
draggable Whether the node can be dragged (default: false)
dragConstraint Whether the node can be dragged HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL or in BOTH directions
dragBounds Restricts the (rectangular) region that a node can be dragged inside of
dragMode If the dragging happens in the Shapes Layer or the Drag Layer (SAME_LAYER or DRAG_LAYER)

And these attributes define the location and geometry of the Shape:

Attributes Description
x X position
y Y position
rotation Rotation (in radians)
scale Scale (sx, sy)
shear Shear factors (shx, shy)
offset Rotation offset (dx,dy) from shape origin

See Node Attributes and Shape Transformations for details.

Shape Types


Circle is a Shape with a radius. Its center point is initially at (0,0) which is relative to its parent's coordinate system.

Attributes Description
radius Radius of the Circle

Basic Node Attributes Circle Javadoc


Rectangle has a width and a height. The top-left corner is initially at (0,0).

Rectangle can have rounded corners by specifying a cornerRadius.

Attributes Description
width Width of the Rectangle
height Height of the Rectangle
cornerRadius (optional) Radius of the rounded corners

Basic Node Attributes Rectangle Javadoc Rounded Corner Rectangle demo.


Line is a (single) straight line segment between two points.

Attributes Description
points two points

Basic Node Attributes Line Javadoc


A Text node displays a Text string. See Web Fonts for how to draw strings with web fonts.

Attributes Description
text The text string that will be displayed.
textSize Text size in "points". E.g. if the value is 12, the value will be "12pt". Default: 48.
fontStyle Combines the following CSS font properties: font-style, font-weight and font-variant. Multiple values can be concatenated, separated with spaces. Here are some examples: "normal", "italic", "bold", "italic bold", "oblique", "oblique bold" Default: "normal"
fontFamily One or more font families can be defined, separated by commas, e.g. "Verdana, serif". Default: "Helvetica"
textAlign Defines the horizontal alignment of the Text node relative to its (x,y) location. TextAlign Javadoc: CENTER, END, LEFT, RIGHT, START (default) Horizontal Alignment demo.
textBaseline Defines the vertical alignment of the Text node relative to its (x,y) location. TextBaseline Javadoc: ALPHABETIC (default), BOTTOM, HANGING, IDEOGRAPHIC, MIDDLE, TOP Vertical Text Alignment demo.

Basic Node Attributes Text Javadoc Fonts demo Web Fonts


The Text.measure(String) method returns the width and height of the specified String in pixels.

Measure Text demo Text Around Arc demo TextMetrics Javadoc


Arcs are defined by a radius, a start angle, an end angle and a drawing direction (either clockwise or counterclockwise). The center of the circle is initially at (0,0). The angles are specified in radians. In the example below, the drawing direction is clockwise from the start angle α to the end angle β.

Attributes Description
radius Radius of the circle that the Arc is part of
startAngle Start angle of the Arc
endAngle End angle of the Arc
counterClockwise Whether the Arc is drawn clockwise (false) or counter clockwise (true)

Basic Node Attributes Arc Javadoc


Slices are defined similar to Arcs, but they are partially filled. Great for making pie charts or pacman.

Attributes Description
radius Radius of the circle that the arc is part of
startAngle Start angle of the arc
endAngle End angle of the arc
counterClockwise Whether the arc is drawn clockwise (false) or counter clockwise (true)

Basic Node Attributes Slice Javadoc


Bows are defined by an inner radius, outer radius, a start angle, an end angle and a drawing direction (either clockwise or counterclockwise). The center of the bow is initially at (0,0). The angles are specified in radians.

Attributes Description
innerRadius Inner radius of the Bows arc
outerRadius Outer radius of the Bows arc
startAngle Start angle of the Bows arc
endAngle End angle of the Bows arc
counterClockwise Whether the Bows arc is drawn clockwise (false) or counter clockwise (true)

Basic Node Attributes Arc Javadoc


Rings are defined by an inner radius and outer radius. The center of the Ring is initially at (0,0).

Attributes Description
innerRadius Inner radius of the Ring
outerRadius Outer radius of the Ring

Basic Node Attributes Arc Javadoc


An Ellipse is defined by a width and a height. The center is initially at (0,0).

Attributes Description
width Width of the Ellipse
height Height of the Ellipse

Basic Node Attributes Ellipse Javadoc


A PolyLine is a continuous line composed of one or more straight line segments.

Attributes Description
points Two or more points

Basic Node Attributes PolyLine Javadoc


A Polygon is a plane figure that is bounded by a closed path, composed of a finite sequence of straight line segments.

Attributes Description
points Three or more points

Basic Node Attributes Polygon Javadoc


A Triangle is a Polygon with three sides.

Attributes Description
points Three points

Basic Node Attributes Triangle Javadoc


A QuadraticCurve is a Bézier curve defined by a context point (P0), a control point (P1) and an end point (P2).

Attributes Description
points Three points (P0, P1, P2)

Basic Node Attributes QuadraticCurve Javadoc


A BezierCurve is a cubic Bézier curve defined by two anchor points (or end points, i.e. A and D in the example below) and two control points (B and C.)

Attributes Description
points Four points (A, B, C, D)

Basic Node Attributes BezierCurve Javadoc


A Spline is a Cubic Hermite spline defined by three or more points. This implementation is a Catmull-rom spline

Attributes Description
points points on spline
curveFactor defines how curvy the spline is as it joins segments
angleFactor defines the join angle acuity as it joins segments

Basic Node Attributes BezierCurve Javadoc


A RegularPolygon is defined by a radius and the number of sides. The center is initially at (0,0).

The lineJoin attribute defines how the connections of the line segments will be drawn.

Attributes Description
radius Radius of the (outer) circle
sides The number of sides (greater than 2)

Basic Node Attributes RegularPolygon Javadoc


A Star is defined by an inner radius, an outer radius and the number of points. The center is initially at (0,0).

Attributes Description
innerRadius Inner radius
outRadius Outer radius
starPoints The number of points

Basic Node Attributes Star Javadoc


A Parallelogram a type of polygon is defined by a width, a height and a skew factor. A skew factor of 0 draws sides that form a 90 degree angle, resulting in a rectangle.

Attributes Description
width Width of the Parallelogram
height Height of Parallelogram
skew Skew factor

Basic Node Attributes Parallelogram Javadoc


An Arrow a type of polygon, defined by the following attributes:

Attribute Description
startPoint Start of the arrow
endPoint Tip of the arrow
baseWidth Width of the base (shaft) of the arrow
headWidth Width of the arrow head (at the widest point)
arrowAngle Angle between the midline and the outer diagonal
baseAngle Angle between the outer diagonal and the inner diagonal
arrowType Whether the arrow head is AT_END (regular arrow), AT_START or AT_BOTH_ENDS.
If the arrowType is AT_END_TAPERED and AT_START_TAPERED, then the start of the arrow is pointy, rather than flat.
arrowType is AT_END arrowType is AT_END_TAPERED

Arrows demo Arrow Attributes demo Arrow Javadoc


Picture wraps an HTML image. See Picture for details.

Picture Javadoc


Movie wraps a video. See Movie for details.

Movie Javadoc

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