A1We have developed this application that supports the auto Reply feature for several applications, including WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and Messenger. This application allows users to choose specific applications or choose all applications. It is also possible to write a message or choose one of the previously defined messages. There is also an opportunity to add the time that the person will check their phone again and will automatically type the time in the text of the message. The application is available in several languages, including English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and Danish.
The app is developed by: Muhammad Ali Khan, Bangash s092512 github: digitalbangash1 Salim Belal, Omar s193472 github: salim963 Thomas, Arildtoft s193564 github: Strongside-87 Ali Hassan, Jawesh s183033 github: alijawesh Ali, Dadayev s172859 github: dadayev95 David Lucas, Møller s173210 github: XSystem32
Under course: 62550 User experience and mobile application development Fall 21 DTU Dated and submitted on : 21-01-2022