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tidyterra 0.5.0

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@dieghernan dieghernan released this 22 Nov 05:57

tidyterra has been accepted on JOSS. Please use the result of
citation("tidyterra") or the following string:

Hernangómez, D. (2023). "Using the tidyverse with terra objects: the tidyterra
package." Journal of Open Source Software, 8(91), 5751. ISSN 2475-9066,

Other changes on this version:

  • Support for SpatRasters with a color table
    • autoplot.SpatRaster() can detect now SpatRasters with color tables.
    • geom_spatraster() can detect now SpatRasters with color tables.
    • New scales for plotting SpatRasters with color tables:
      scale_fill_coltab() and rest of family scales (colour).
    • tidyverse verbs keeps the associated coltab of a SpatRaster.
  • By default all the discrete scales of tidyterra now have the following
    setup: na.translate = FALSE.
  • By default, all the non-discrete (e.g. continuous or breaks) scales of
    tidyterra have now na.value = "transparent" (#120).
  • Enhanced glimpse.Spat() with meta-information on type of geometry, crs,
  • New messaging interface thanks to cli package.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.5.0