Author : Dhawan Solanki
This library generates thumbnail images based on provided post data using Puppeteer. The images are stored locally in a specified directory.
- Generates thumbnail images with random background images.
- Customizable title, avatar, full name, and brand logo.
- Stores the generated images locally.
npm i thgen
To use the thumbnail generation functionality, you can import the generateThumbnail function and call it with the post data as an argument:
const { generateThumbnail } = require('thgen');
const postData = {
title: 'Thumbnail Generator by Dhawan Solanki',
avatar: '',
full_name: 'Dhawan Solanki',
brand_logo : ''
try {
const { fileName, filePath } = await generateThumbnail(postData);
console.log('Thumbnail generated:', fileName, filePath);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating thumbnail:', error);
Add support for customizing the thumbnail size and quality
Implement caching to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of the same content
Provide additional options for the generated thumbnail, such as adding a border or overlay
If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the project's repository.