Add tests and assertions in-line in examples
Set up your package to use testex
and then start adding tests!
#' Hello, World!
#' @examples
#' hello("World")
#' @test "Hello, World!"
#' hello("darkness my old friend")
#' @test grepl("darkness", .)
#' @export
hello <- function(who) {
paste0("Hello, ", who, "!")
If you were already using testthat
, you'll immediately see a new test
context for testing your examples. And if you aren't using testthat
, then
you'll find that your tests are being run with your examples when you run
R CMD check
will check that the result of the last example is identical to your test. You
can use the example output in a function using a .
#' @examples
#' sum(1:10)
#' @test 55
#' @test is.numeric(.)
is similar, but has the added benefit of automatically inserting a .
#' @examples
#' sum(1:10)
#' @testthat expect_equal(55)
#' @testthat expect_vector(numeric())
A slightly different approach. Allows tests to be written in-line, but generates test files used directly by a testing framework.