Lightweight JSON parser in C.
This library runs a single-pass over a JSON text structure. For every value found, it calls a user-supplied function which can filter out any desired values.
All processing is done on the text in-place. The context of the current parse is stored in the stack. There is no heap (malloc, etc.) use.
Here is a small, non-trivial, example:
/* Pick off the value ["johnny"][5] */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "json.h"
const char *json="{\
\"in pieces\",\n\
\"behind shed\",\n\
\"upside down\",\n\
\"watching tv\",\n\
\"passed out\"]\
static void johnny5(
const json_valuecontext *root,
const json_value *v,
void *context) {
(void)context; /* subdue unused warning */
if (json_matches_path(root,"johnny","#5",NULL)) {
printf(" is ");
int main(void) {
json_callbacks cb={.got_value=johnny5};
return json_parse(&cb,json)!=NULL;
The code follows the state charts in
The library object compiles down to about 11KB with gcc -Os on x86_64.