Get real-time weather data from Ambient WS-1001 weather station. *** December 8, 2016
This software is designed to work with the Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI OBSERVER weather station. It produces output data that can be read by the Cumulus weather station program. I am currently running ws1001wxdata on my MS Windows 10 PC successfully.
Files: This Perl program establishes a TCP connection with the ws1001 console and obtains the real time weather data generated by the sensor array. It writes an output file containing the ws1001 weather data in a format compatible with the cumulus easyweather.dat input file.
msg-udp-srch.dat: This is the UDP broadcast message.
msg-tcp-nowrec-req.dat: This is the realtime data request message sent to the ws1001 console. This is an example shell script.
Software: ActivePerl (Perl version 5.20.1) EasyWeather Version 2.3.3 Cumulus release v1.9.4 (build 1099)