The portfolio web app using Spring Boot
For Launching the application using Spring Tool Suite:
Step 1: Download the Spring Tool Suite in to your system and extract the application in desired folder. Launch the application
Step 2: Go to and download the project.
Open the project in Spring Tool Suite.
Step 3: Right click on the application folder and click on Run As --> Spring Boot Web Application
Step 4: Open any browser of your choice and type http://localhost:8888/home and press enter
Step 5: After opening the website you can look into my Portfolio. You can also check weather conditions of any city in the world.
(The output data may vary sometime because I am using’ API). You can also download my latest resume from the website.
For Launching the Application using Command Line:
Step 1: Download Apache Maven Zip file and extract it your C drive – Program Files.
Step 2: Right click on This PC in your desktop – Advance System Settings—Environment Variable—In the User
Variable field –New—In the New User Variable window Enter the name as MAVEN_Home and value will be your Maven Folder which
is in your Program File—Again click on New User Variable window and enter the name as PATH and the value will be your bi folder
in Maven folder—Press OK.
(Environment Setup is Done)
Step 3: Open CMD
Step 4: type cd “the_folder_address_where_you_downloaded_MyPortfolioWebAPP” and hit enter
Step 5: Now you are inside the folder
Step 6: Type dir to check all the files in the folder
Step 7: Type mvn clean install
Step 8: Your build will be successful. Again, type dir, you will be able to see a new target folder is created
Step 9: Type cd target and once you are in target folder type dir. You will be able to see a .jar file is created
Step 10: Now type cd..
Step 11: Type mvn spring-boot:run . Your server will be started from the command line
Step 12: Open any browser of your choice and type http://localhost:8888/home and press enter
Step 13: After opening the website you can look into my Portfolio. You can also check weather conditions of any city in the world.
(The output data may vary sometime because I am using’ API). You can also download my latest resume from the website