What's Changed
- Drum kit website by @Subham2409 in #2
- Feature : Add a readme file [fixes #3] by @najeebkp in #5
- TESLA-CLONE project added issues: #1 by @devvsakib in #9
- Updated Color Theme by @SoNiC-HeRE in #8
- Add assets folder for a clean project by @anthonyjvoss in #12
- Added Ideas for ReactJs Projects by @Omm2005 in #14
- Update ProjectIdeas.txt by @YashSalunke12 in #15
- React Counter App by @YashSalunke12 in #16
- React Calculator Added by @YashSalunke12 in #17
- Lovecare by @YugalPradhan in #20
- car-game made by using javascript html and css by @YugalPradhan in #19
- Day planner by @YugalPradhan in #21
- Real Time Chat by @kennarddh in #24
- Added the blog page by @burhanharoon in #25
- Water cup tracker by @NeoPrint3D in #26
- movie db by @SaahilSabu in #27
- Added netflix clone by @DCBisht in #28
- Added college e commerce website by @DCBisht in #29
- I-pod project by @mridulpal019 in #30
- Added Movie-List Project by @mridulpal019 in #31
- Hackathon Page by @mridulpal019 in #32
- Restaurant-online-ordering-App by @mridulpal019 in #33
- created new counter react app by @piyush-mahajan in #34
- Weather App by @SantoshAnand271 in #36
- converted main html website into react project using tailwind.css by @piyush-mahajan in #35
- Feat(voyages): Added a new project by @diarih in #39
- chore: added react notes app by @DineshRout779 in #40
- made contributors.html and linked to index.html by @abhi87374 in #41
- Added the project.html + project.css by @rahulgtst in #46
- created React TODO List by @sandilya27 in #50
- project that suggests homeopathic medicines by @rijulsarji in #51
- Nebula - A cryptocurrency bulletin by @rijulsarji in #52
- Added the footer by @Aishaa-26 in #53
New Contributors
- @Subham2409 made their first contribution in #2
- @najeebkp made their first contribution in #5
- @SoNiC-HeRE made their first contribution in #8
- @Omm2005 made their first contribution in #14
- @YashSalunke12 made their first contribution in #15
- @YugalPradhan made their first contribution in #20
- @kennarddh made their first contribution in #24
- @burhanharoon made their first contribution in #25
- @NeoPrint3D made their first contribution in #26
- @SaahilSabu made their first contribution in #27
- @DCBisht made their first contribution in #28
- @mridulpal019 made their first contribution in #30
- @piyush-mahajan made their first contribution in #34
- @SantoshAnand271 made their first contribution in #36
- @diarih made their first contribution in #39
- @DineshRout779 made their first contribution in #40
- @abhi87374 made their first contribution in #41
- @rahulgtst made their first contribution in #46
- @sandilya27 made their first contribution in #50
- @rijulsarji made their first contribution in #51
- @Aishaa-26 made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: https://github.com/devvsakib/power-the-web/commits/v1.0.0