A project with a mininum fields Django Custom User
Install the lib
pip install django_min_custom_user
Create an app:
python manage.py custom_user_app
Add the app to INSTALLED_APPS on settings.py:
Create your custom User:
from django_min_custom_user.models import MinAbstractUser
class User(MinAbstractUser):
This user has all fields from regular Django users but username and last_name.
Set your customized User on DJango settings.py:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'custom_user_app.User'
Customize also your User Admin:
from django_min_custom_user.admin import MinUserAdmin
class UserAdmin(MinUserAdmin):
Now run and apply migration:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Check django_project_ex for an example of Django project using above configurations.