If you would like to share your notes, repositories, sketches, photos, ... you made during Developer Camp with other attendees, just paste a link to them, here.
You would like to learn more? Take a look at what happened at #devcamp17 in the official repository.
Btw: Did you know that there's a new event called DevCamp.create? It's a barcamp covering topics like User Experience, UI Design, Design Thinking and much more. And the best of all: It's taking place at the same location and at the same time. So if you are taking part at one of the two barcamps you are able to join the sessions from the other Barcamp.
Description (keep it firm)
For those of you who would like to keep up with things on Twitter, there is a handy list for you: twitterlist.md. Feel free to add your twitter handle as well.
We would like to see your feedback! So use the Feedback section and share your thoughts.
Thank you very much. For more information please visit developercamp.io or create.developercamp.io
We are going to provide a timetable. Even for mobile Devices – check out developercamp.io/timetable. Stay tuned!
Freitag | 11:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:15 | 17:15 | 18:15 |
Raum 1.002 DevCamp.create | Agil vs. klassisch | Scaling Agile | Wie bringe ich Design Thinking ins Unternehmen? | Design Thinking vs. Human Centered Design | Better together: Agile Methoden KlimBim | Was ist UX? | UX in agilen Teams |
Raum 1.003 | Security – sichere Anmeldung: Google, Facebook, FIDO | Modernes CSS – was kommt nach BEM? | UX vs. CLI | Web scraping (mit Python) | WAF bei der Heimautomatisierung | Von Null auf Monaden: Haskell-Einführung | -- |
Raum 1.005 | -- | Drohnen: Multicopter | GraphQL + Symfony + VueJS | Word-Dokumente mit PHPWord | VIM! | SAP & Agile | Erfahrungsaustausch zu Intranet |
Raum 1.006 | Monitoring & Alerting (Metriken & Hands-on) | Redux coden | Modellgetriebene Entwicklung mit Xtext und Xtend | DevOps | Produktkonfigurator ganz einfach | Journey to the cloud | -- |
Raum 1.010 | -- | Jenkins, dirty tricks | Home Automation | Wie hast du was gelernt? Links sammeln | Java Clean Code | Ubongo Flow | Softskills für Softwareentwickler |
Raum 1.013 | -- | TypeScript: Jump'n Run | REST-APIs mit API-Plattform (Symfony) | ASP.NET Core MVC Intro | AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Ethereum Smart Contract | -- |
Hackspace | Domain-driven Design: Diskussion | ASK for: Frontend-Testing | TypeScript & Webpack Tooling | Frontend-Coffee | -- | -- | -- |
Samstag | 09:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 |
Raum 1.002 DevCamp.create | -- | Workshop "Design Challenge" | Workshop "Design Challenge" | Workshop "Design Challenge" | Kreativität für Einsteiger | Break UX | Design-Methoden-Bingo |
Raum 1.003 | -- | Component-based CSS | Webpack | Power up your ZSH | Building a legacy – heute die Altlasten von morgen bauen | Application Performance Monitoring mit Prometheus | Software Craftsmanship |
Raum 1.005 | -- | Dependency Integration in Swift | Scheme | Die Reise von 5 PDF-Erstellungssystemen zu einem | Mit Wörtern rechnen | Laravel Backpack | PowerPoint-Karaoke |
Raum 1.006 | Anti-Pattern in Code & Architektur | Björn lernt PHP | ASK for: VoiP | Dezentralisierte Apps | Stoneage Team Game | Programmierunterricht in der Schuldbildung | -- |
Raum 1.010 | -- | Microservice mit Spring Boot & Docker | One size fits all – PostgreSQL als (No)SQL-Datenbank | AWS für SaaS-Backend | Was ist Kubernetes? | ReCREWtment in der IT | Einführung in Docker |
Raum 1.013 | -- | Self-Contained System | Softwareentwicklung in der Sackgasse | NixOS – Deklarative Linux-Distribution | Ein-Blick-e: Raspberry 2 | Laravel-Einführung | -- |
Hackspace | -- | -- | -- | Erwartung an den Entwickler bei Beförderung zu Manager | Shopware 6 | Docker-Images mit Nix bauen zur Verbesserung der Reproduzierbarkeit | -- |