- GET /auth/login
- POST /auth/login
- GET /auth/signup
- POST /auth/signup
- GET /api/events
- GET /api/event:id
- POST /api/rsvp
- GET /admin/
- GET /admin/events
- GET /admin/event:id
- GET /admin/event/update:id
- POST /admin/event/update
- GET /admin/event/remove:id
- GET /admin/tickets/event:id
- GET /admin/users
- MongoDB
- Express JS
- Babel-cli
Clone the repository and install dependencies with npm install:
git clone https://github.com/dessHub/swahilibox-api.git
npm install
Copy .env-example to .env file and update with your your variables
npm start
This would convert es6 features to es5 and start the server
If there is any issue create issue . And if your want to contribute fork, update and create a pull request.