Review permissions of volume mounts to ensure file permissions are at least 644.
#Ensure files are executeable
#-rwxr-xr-x openldap/service/z_kadmind/
#-rwxr-xr-x openldap/service/z_krb5kdc/
chmod 0755 openldap/service/z_kadmind/ openldap/service/z_krb5kdc/
#ls -la openldap/service/z_kadmind/ openldap/service/z_krb5kdc/
# Start services using Docker Compose
docker-compose up
# Verify valid keytab file generated
docker exec keycloak-openldap kinit HTTP/[email protected] -k -t /etc/keytabs/keycloak.keytab
# List and destroy Kerberos ticket
docker exec keycloak-openldap klist
docker exec keycloak-openldap kdestroy
# Verify permissions of shared keytab file to ensure it can be read by Keycloak
docker exec --user root keycloak chmod 644 /tmp/keytabs/keycloak.keytab
OIDC Endpoint:{realm}/.well-known/openid-configuration
Authorization Endpoint:{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/auth
Account Management:{realm}/account
[email protected]
,[email protected]
login -
OIDC Debugger
Send Request
using InPrivate / Cognito Window-
Authorization Endpoint: auth/realms/dev/protocol/openid-connect/auth
Redirect URL:
Client ID:
# Cleanup
docker-compose rm -f
docker volume rm keycloak_vol-mariadb keycloak_vol-openldap-ldap keycloak_vol-openldap-slapd
Creating users is now a two-step process:
Create new user with ldapadd (if KeyCloak Kerberos configured to be backed by an LDAP server).
Create new KDC entry using
(for Kerberos Authentication) and link it to the DN. E.g.:kadmin.local kadmin.local: addprinc -pw password -x dn=uid=charlie,ou=People, dc=example,dc=org charlie
Run the following commands in
container:docker exec -it keycloak-openldap bash
Default password forldapsearch
command is provided using-w
flag. Use-W
for interactive password prompt.
# Verify LDAP credentials
ldapwhoami -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w admin
ldapwhoami -x -D "uid=alice,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org" -w password
# Verify krbContainer container exists (numEntries: 1)
ldapsearch -L -x -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org -b dc=example,dc=org -w admin cn=krbContainer
# Verify ACL for kdc-service and kadmin-service (numEntries: 12)
ldapsearch -L -x -D uid=kdc-service,dc=example,dc=org -b cn=krbContainer,dc=example,dc=org -w password
ldapsearch -L -x -D uid=kadmin-service,dc=example,dc=org -b cn=krbContainer,dc=example,dc=org -w password
# Verify Kerberos services are started
service krb5-kdc status
service krb5-admin-server status
# Validate Kerberos token can be obtained using keytab file
kinit HTTP/[email protected] -k -t /etc/keytabs/keycloak.keytab
# Login using SPNEGO
# 302 returned with access code: #
# To use existing ticket, use curl -I --negotiate -u : http://....
curl -I --negotiate -u [email protected]:password ""
To generate a keytab
file for Active Directory, create a service account / user e.g. keycloak
REM Set service principal name
setspn -s HTTP/ keycloak
REM Generate keytab
ktpass -princ HTTP/ ^
-mapuser keycloak@dev.pc8.dsta -crypto ALL ^
-ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -pass * -out C:\keycloak.keytab
Create a principal for Windows Client
# Remember the password for the principal (e.g. `password`)
# IMPORTANT: Value of %COMPUTERNAME% has to be lower case
docker exec -it keycloak-openldap kadmin.local -q "addprinc host/"
# Run the following commands as Administrator
# Set domain (computername and workgroup of computer will change)
ksetup /setdomain EXAMPLE.ORG
# Update KDC for domain (where is the IP of OpenLDAP)
# To verify windows client can reach the OpenLDAP via IP, use `openssl s_client -connect localhost:636`
ksetup /AddKdc EXAMPLE.ORG
# ksetup /DelKdc EXAMPLE.ORG X.X.X.X
# Set the machine password to be the same as the principal created above (`password` in this example)
ksetup /setmachpassword password
# Optional: ksetup /AddRealmFlags EXAMPLE.ORG delegate
# Map domain user to local user
ksetup /mapuser [email protected] %USERNAME%
Verify Windows Client can authenticate using Kerberos:
# For logs see `/var/log/krb5kdc.log` in OpenLDAP container (logging is configured in krb5.conf file)
runas /user:[email protected] cmd
Common Errors:
1787: The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Principal for Windows Client not added: The principal name has to be lowercase.
SPNEGO login failed: GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Invalid argument (400) - Cannot find key of appropriate type to decrypt AP-REQ - RC4 with HMAC)
Keytab not found (check for typo in Keycloak settings).
SPNEGO login failed: GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)
Check the FQDN or keycloak server (e.g. domain CNAME alias). To verify use wireshark to inspect
.Regenerate the keytab file:
docker exec keycloak-openldap kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /etc/keytabs/keycloak.keytab HTTP/[email protected]" docker exec --user root keycloak chmod 644 /tmp/keytabs/keycloak.keytab
# Generate CA key and cert
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout rootCA.key \
-days 3650 -out rootCA.crt \
-subj "/C=SG/, Inc./CN=My Org Root CA"
# Generate CSR for keycloak
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout keycloak.key \
-new -out keycloak.csr \
-subj "/C=SG/L=Singapore/O=MyOrg, Inc./CN=keycloak" \
-addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost," \
-addext "keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment"
# Generate CA signed cert for keycloak
openssl x509 -in keycloak.csr \
-CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial \
-req -days 3650 -out keycloak.crt \
-extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:keycloak,")
# Generate CSR for openldap
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ldap.key \
-new -out ldap.csr \
-subj "/C=SG/L=Singapore/O=MyOrg, Inc./CN=openldap" \
-addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:openldap," \
-addext "keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment"
# Generate CA signed cert for openldap (using previous CA serial file
openssl x509 -in ldap.csr \
-CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAserial \
-req -days 3650 -out ldap.crt \
-extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:openldap,")
# Verify certs
openssl verify -verbose -CAfile rootCA.crt keycloak.crt
openssl verify -verbose -CAfile rootCA.crt ldap.crt
SSL / TLS debugging
openssl s_client -connect localhost:636
openssl s_client -connect localhost:8443
- MIT Kerberos Documentation
- Ubuntu Docs: Kerberos and LDAP
- Kerberos Environment Setup
- Configuring a Master KDC on an OpenLDAP Directory Server
- All About Kerberos “The Three Headed Dog” with respect to IIS and Sql
- Kerberos and Windows Security: Kerberos v5 Protocol
- Performing Kerberoasting without SPNs
- Kerberos Wireshark Captures
- Using Kerberos in NAT and DHCP Environments
- Keycloak Kerberos