DevOps Automation with Event-Driven Ansible Demo
To deploy:
- On RHDP create a new "AWS with OpenShift Open Environment" using m6a.2xlarge instances:
- Wait for the environment to provision.
- Ensure you have a ServiceNow developer account and a ServiceNow dev instance (with hostname and password)
- Install Ansible
- You need the following collections:
- ansible.controller (available from Red Hat Cloud Console Automation Hub only)
- ansible.eda
- redhat.openshift
- infra.controller_configuration (available from Red Hat Cloud Console Automation Hub only)
- servicenow.itsm
- Generate an AAP Licensing Manifest File (refer to for details)
- Run the following command (substituting your relevant values):
ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file> -e ocp_host=https://<OpenShift API Hostname>:6443 -e ocp_username=kubeadmin -e ocp_password="<OpenShift Admin Password>" -e aap_manifest_path="<Local Path to AAP Manifest ZIP File for Licensing AAP>" -e snow_hostname="https://<ServiceNow_instance_hostname>" -e snow_password="<ServiceNow_admin_password>" [-e demo_name=<demo_shortname | default = demo_devops>] ./playbooks/_deploy_demo_on_ocp.yml
This will:
- Install the AAP Operator
- Install AAP with default settings
- Obtain the AAP hostname
- Install EDA referring to the AAP host
- Retrieve hostnames and admin passwords for both AAP and EDA
- License AAP with the provided manifest file
- Create the demo content within AAP (linked to ServiceNow)
- Debug out the hostnames and admin passwords for later access