This repository contains a .NET managed wrapper for the Linux CAN subsystem (aka SocketCAN). This includes the wrapper library implementation, unit tests, and some example code.
Using this library you can either use the higher level classes or the lower level libc P/Invoke calls directly.
The classes such as CanNetworkInterface
, RawCanSocket
, and IsoTpCanSocket
provide a simpler interface via object-oriented abstraction. This approach should be familiar to developers acquainted with C# and other higher level languages. Invoking the libc calls will be easier to those who prefer or are more familiar with C style (procedural) programming. This approach should also ease the process of porting over code written in C.
CanNetworkInterface vcan0 = CanNetworkInterface.GetAllInterfaces(true).First(iface => iface.Name.Equals("vcan0"));
using (var rawCanSocket = new RawCanSocket())
int bytesWritten = rawCanSocket.Write(new CanFrame(0x123, new byte[] { 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef }));
int bytesRead = receiverSocket.Read(out CanFrame frame);
using (SafeFileDescriptorHandle socketHandle = LibcNativeMethods.Socket(SocketCanConstants.PF_CAN, SocketType.Raw, SocketCanProtocolType.CAN_RAW))
var ifr = new Ifreq("vcan0");
int ioctlResult = LibcNativeMethods.Ioctl(socketHandle, SocketCanConstants.SIOCGIFINDEX, ifr);
var addr = new SockAddrCan(ifr.IfIndex);
int bindResult = LibcNativeMethods.Bind(socketHandle, addr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SockAddrCan)));
var writeFrame = new CanFrame(0x123, new byte[] { 0x11, 0x22 });
int nWriteBytes = LibcNativeMethods.Write(socketHandle, ref writeFrame, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CanFrame)));
var readFrame = new CanFrame();
int nReadBytes = LibcNativeMethods.Read(socketHandle, ref readFrame, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CanFrame)));
CanNetworkInterface vcan0 = CanNetworkInterface.GetAllInterfaces(true).First(iface => iface.Name.Equals("vcan0"));
using (var testerSocket = new IsoTpCanSocket())
testerSocket.BaseOptions = new CanIsoTpOptions()
testerSocket.Bind(vcan0, 0x600, 0x700);
int bytesWritten = testerSocket.Write(new byte[] { 0x3e, 0x00 });
var receiveBuffer = new byte[4095];
int bytesRead = testerSocket.Read(receiveBuffer);
using (SafeFileDescriptorHandle testerSocketHandle = LibcNativeMethods.Socket(SocketCanConstants.PF_CAN, SocketType.Dgram, SocketCanProtocolType.CAN_ISOTP))
var ifr = new Ifreq("vcan0");
int ioctlResult = LibcNativeMethods.Ioctl(testerSocketHandle, SocketCanConstants.SIOCGIFINDEX, ifr);
var testerAddr = new SockAddrCanIsoTp(ifr.IfIndex)
TxId = 0x600,
RxId = 0x700,
int bindResult = LibcNativeMethods.Bind(testerSocketHandle, testerAddr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SockAddrCanIsoTp)));
var requestMessage = new byte[] { 0x3e, 0x00 };
int nBytes = LibcNativeMethods.Write(testerSocketHandle, requestMessage, requestMessage.Length);
var receiveResponseMessage = new byte[4095];
nBytes = LibcNativeMethods.Read(testerSocketHandle, receiveResponseMessage, receiveResponseMessage.Length);
var vcan0 = CanNetworkInterface.GetAllInterfaces(true).FirstOrDefault(iface => iface.Name.Equals("vcan0"));
using (var j1939Socket = new J1939CanSocket())
j1939Socket.EnableBroadcast = true;
j1939Socket.SendPriority = 3;
j1939Socket.Bind(vcan0, SocketCanConstants.J1939_NO_NAME, 0x0F004, 0x01);
var destAddr = new SockAddrCanJ1939(vcan0.Index)
Name = SocketCanConstants.J1939_NO_NAME,
PGN = 0x0F004,
Address = SocketCanConstants.J1939_NO_ADDR,
j1939Socket.WriteTo(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x6C, 0x50, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, MessageFlags.None, destAddr);
using (var j1939Handle = LibcNativeMethods.Socket(SocketCanConstants.PF_CAN, SocketType.Dgram, SocketCanProtocolType.CAN_J1939))
var ifr = new Ifreq("vcan0");
int ioctlResult = LibcNativeMethods.Ioctl(j1939Handle, SocketCanConstants.SIOCGIFINDEX, ifr);
int value = 1;
int enableBroadcastResult = LibcNativeMethods.SetSockOpt(j1939Handle, SocketLevel.SOL_SOCKET, SocketLevelOptions.SO_BROADCAST, ref value, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));
int prio = 3;
int prioResult = LibcNativeMethods.SetSockOpt(j1939Handle, SocketLevel.SOL_CAN_J1939, J1939SocketOptions.SO_J1939_SEND_PRIO, ref prio, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));
var srcAddr = new SockAddrCanJ1939(ifr.IfIndex)
Name = SocketCanConstants.J1939_NO_NAME,
PGN = 0x0F004,
Address = 0x01,
int bindResult = LibcNativeMethods.Bind(j1939Handle, srcAddr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SockAddrCanJ1939)));;
var dstAddr = new SockAddrCanJ1939(vcan0.Index)
Name = SocketCanConstants.J1939_NO_NAME,
PGN = 0x0F004,
Address = SocketCanConstants.J1939_NO_ADDR,
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x34, 0x12, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
int sendToResult = LibcNativeMethods.SendTo(j1939Handle, data, data.Length, MessageFlags.None, dstAddr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SockAddrCanJ1939)));
CanNetworkInterface vcan0 = CanNetworkInterface.GetAllInterfaces(true).First(iface => iface.Name.Equals("vcan0"));
using (var bcmCanSocket = new BcmCanSocket())
var canFrame = new CanFrame(0x333, new byte[] { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF });
var frames = new CanFrame[] { canFrame };
var config = new BcmCyclicTxTaskConfiguration()
Id = 0x333,
StartTimer = true,
SetInterval = true,
InitialIntervalConfiguration = new BcmInitialIntervalConfiguration(10, new BcmTimeval(0, 5000)), // 10 messages at 5 ms
PostInitialInterval = new BcmTimeval(0, 100000), // Then at 100 ms
int nBytes = bcmCanSocket.CreateCyclicTransmissionTask(config, frames);
using (SafeFileDescriptorHandle socketHandle = LibcNativeMethods.Socket(SocketCanConstants.PF_CAN, SocketType.Dgram, SocketCanProtocolType.CAN_BCM))
var ifr = new Ifreq("vcan0");
int ioctlResult = LibcNativeMethods.Ioctl(socketHandle, SocketCanConstants.SIOCGIFINDEX, ifr);
var addr = new SockAddrCan(ifr.IfIndex);
int connectResult = LibcNativeMethods.Connect(socketHandle, addr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SockAddrCan)));
if (Environment.Is64BitProcess)
var canFrame = new CanFrame(0x333, new byte[] { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF });
var header = new BcmMessageHeader(BcmOpcode.TX_SETUP)
CanId = 0x333,
Flags = BcmFlags.SETTIMER | BcmFlags.STARTTIMER,
Interval1Count = 10, // 10 messages
Interval1 = new BcmTimeval(0, 5000), // at 5 ms interval
Interval2 = new BcmTimeval(0, 100000), // then at 100 ms
NumberOfFrames = 1,
var bcmMessage = new BcmCanMessage(header, new CanFrame[] { canFrame });
int nBytes = LibcNativeMethods.Write(socketHandle, bcmMessage, Marshal.SizeOf(bcmMessage));
else // 32-bit process
var canFrame = new CanFrame(0x333, new byte[] { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF });
var header = new BcmMessageHeader32(BcmOpcode.TX_SETUP)
CanId = 0x333,
Flags = BcmFlags.SETTIMER | BcmFlags.STARTTIMER,
Interval1Count = 10, // 10 messages
Interval1 = new BcmTimeval(0, 5000), // at 5 ms interval
Interval2 = new BcmTimeval(0, 100000), // then at 100 ms
NumberOfFrames = 1,
var bcmMessage = new BcmCanMessage32(header, new CanFrame[] { canFrame });
int nBytes = LibcNativeMethods.Write(socketHandle, bcmMessage, Marshal.SizeOf(bcmMessage));
Thorough testing has been done for x64, ARM32 and ARM64 on Linux. Support for Raw CAN and BCM have been confirmed as far back as Linux Kernel 4.9. Testing on Alpine Linux has not been carried out yet.
- CanBusSniffer : Simple CAN bus analyzer
- IsoTpCommSimulator : ISO-TP communication simulation
- ObjectOrientedDiagAppSimulator : Diagnostic Application Simulator using IsoTpCanSocket objects
- J1939EngineSpeedTransmit : Simple application that sends the J1939 Engine Speed signal a couple of different ways using SocketCAN#