collect tweets of a selected timeframe and calculate the average polarity of the tweets
usage: [-h] [-t T [T ...]] [-s S]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t T [T ...] filter hashtags (example: -t dog cat fish)
-s S seconds to calculate the average of the polarity
install dependencies:
pip install tweepy textblob
git clone
cd tweet2polarity/
edit the api.key file with you twitter credentials
example api.key file:
consumer_key = klajsdlfija890sd8u9fa0djlo
consumer_secret = djfhnkajshdudifhklwern989jomiy9x8c
access_token = 1929828347-1930sfxj88d0ajdijr00239as
access_token_secret = c8xilxmlijaosd9u0x98jos
now run tweet2polarity with your desired #hashtags and timeframe like:
python -t dog cat fish -s 1
will give something like: