Simple framework that creates a mock localhost server primarily used for XCUITest.
SwiftLocalhost is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SwiftLocalhost'
uses Criollo library as the in-memory web server.
There are 2 ways to create an instance of a Localhost.
Using a specific port number
LocalhostServer(portNumber: 9001)
Getting an instance with a random unused port number assigned to it. This is important if you want to execute your tests parallelly
An example of how a XCTestCase class looks like
import SwiftLocalhost
class MovieListTest: XCTestCase {
var localhostServer: LocalhostServer!
override func setUp() {
continueAfterFailure = false
self.localhostServer = LocalhostServer.initializeUsingRandomPortNumber()
override func tearDown() {
2. [API] - Modify App API Requests with http://localhost:xxxx (where xxxx is port number)
If you are using a specific port for your localhost, you can simply change the domain to http://localhost:xxxx.
class NetworkOperations {
//private let baseUrl: String = ""
private let baseUrl: String = "http://localhost:9001/3/movie"
If you are using random port numbers in your tests, then you will need to pass the port information into your app as launch arguments.
//In Test Runner, pass the port information using launchArguments
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.launchArguments = ["port:\(self.localhostServer.portNumber)"]
//In Application - Read the ProcessInfo Arguments
If you need to redirect 3rd party libraries (eg. Firebase, Google Analytics) to the localhost server, you can use NetworkInterceptor pod created by Kenneth Poon.
Since we will be using http
protocol to communicate with our localhost server, we will need to add an exception domain for localhost
in your Info.plist file.
You will also need to disable SSL Pinning if needed.
You can setup specific mock response according to your test case needs. Set the Data
instance of the response file as a response to a specific path that your test cases will be covering.
//let portNumber: UInt = 9001
//Binary of Mock Response Json File
//let jsonFileData: Data!
self.localhostServer.get("/3/movie/popular", routeBlock: { request in
let requestURL: URL = URL(string: "http://localhost:\(portNumber)/3/movie/popular")!
let httpUrlResponse = HTTPURLResponse(url: requestURL, statusCode: 200, httpVersion: nil, headerFields: ["Content-Type":"application/json"])!
return LocalhostServerResponse(httpUrlResponse: httpUrlResponse, data: jsonFileData)
You can queue up mock responses for the same route path. Mock responses will be returned in FIFO order. Used responses will be removed from the queue unless there is only 1 response left in the queue.
var dataResponse1, dataResponse2, dataResponse3: Data!
self.localhostServer.route(method: .GET,
path: "/3/movie/popular",
responseData: dataResponse1)
self.localhostServer.route(method: .GET,
path: "/3/movie/popular",
responseData: dataResponse2)
self.localhostServer.route(method: .GET,
path: "/3/movie/popular",
responseData: dataResponse2)