👋 Hi there, I'm Deniz!
I am a Product Manager in the consumer brokerage space and a software engineering student at 42 Berlin, currently building a strong foundation in C/C++. I am passionate about all aspects of software development and eager to explore new technologies. My goal is to combine my technical skills with my product experience to create impactful, user-centric solutions.
- Languages: C, C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- Tools: Git, Docker
- Webserv | Building an HTTP web server from scratch, compliant with HTTP/1.1
- Inception | Setting up a small multi-service infrastructure using Docker containers
- miniRT | Building a basic ray tracer to render 3D scenes from numerical object specifications
- minishell | Developing a custom shell by implementing core bash-like features
- Philosophers | Solving the dining philosophers problem using multithreading and concurrency control
- FDF | Visualizing 3D wireframes from 2D height maps using isometric projection
- Pipex | Recreating Unix pipe functionality to handle command chaining
- Push_swap | Implementing a sorting algorithm using two stacks with minimal instructions
- ft_printf | Reimplementing the printf function from the C standard library
- libft | Creating a custom library replicating key C functions
Feel free to reach out to me for collaboration or opportunities through LinkedIn or via email.