This project provides an easy and developer friendly API for common schedule planning problems. Our idea was to build a generic planner with an easy to access user interface. To achieve this we build a simple choco model from the example to get a deeper insight into csp framework. Then we translated this simple model into a relative specific solving domain and implemented a framework for this specific domain. The next step will be the removal of the specific domain and replace this domain by a more generic domain. Then we load our domain by an XML description that will be replaced by a configurable domain via user interface. (not implemented yet)
Christopher Broecker (chbroecker), Franziska Becker (frabecker), Pascal Stammer (pstammer)
Entry Point is Here we call org.planning.controller.impl.PlanningControllerImpl and parse the given XML-File .. Then we build the CspSolvingContext and execute the PlanningAlgorithm in org.planning.solver.impl.PlannerImpl. Here we use a the CspModelFactory to construct the model and use the ChocoSolver to solve the CSP. In the CspModelFactory we use a DomainDescriptor and for each constraint type a specific ConstraintDescriptor to initialize the CspModel. Thats all. This approach provide the possibility to easily define your own constraint types and manage your domain easily by xml files which are better readable than Java-Code.
For XML File Structure see: examples/example1.xml
Provides a reader / writer for importing and exporting concepts and instances of concept as well as defined constraints.
Provides the possibility to have a production ready environment
Provides the possibility to have a production ready environment
Provides an easy access to the planning API
Core functionality that does the planning job
Utility and Helper Functions
Simply execute
java -jar sbin/shell.jar
Than you can execute
solve $pathToFile
You will find a example file under ./example/example1.xml .
You can execute the example by executing
solve classpath:/domain/example1.xml
in the shell.
Make sure you have installed Maven. You can build the project with
mvn clean install
Then execute
java -jar shell/target/shell-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
After the shell was loaded you can execute
solve {pathTo ./example/example1.xml}
Shell REST
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Import / Export