To use this vagrant machine you need to install vagrant and virtualbox.
Please download and install the following software
- virtualbox
- vagrant (pick the latest version for your operating system)
- git (windows:
As visual git Desktop client I think sourcetree is the best choice, but you may also use tortoisegit on windows.
To power on the virtual machines you need to switch to the commandline. Go into the git repository and run:
git clone typo3-themes-box
cd typo3-themes-box
vagrant up
This will download and initialise the basic image (later on this command will be blazing fast, as the base vm is already available on your system).
Other important commands
vagrant suspend - suspend the CM
vagrant status - show status of the virtual maschine
vagrant halt - shutdown the virtual maschine
vagrant destroy - destroy the virtual maschine (drop virtual drives, ...)
You can get more information about vagrant from the vagrant documentation:
Access the VM via SSH:
vagrant ssh
Easily gain root rights:
sudo su -
Access the apache error logs on the fly (auto refresh):
sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
Have fun!