This is the algorithmic ECFP inversion approach developed in our lab ( It is fully refactored from the previous version and has superior performance now. If you would like to use the old version anyway, you can find it here:
ECFP is a type of circular fingerprint used to encode the presence of substructures in molecules. In this prototype implementation we use RDKit's MorganFingerprint as our ECFP. By a fragment per fragment build up of the molecule and checking it at every step, a good degree of reconstruction is possible. An alternative NN based method for inversion was developed earlier and can be found here: Their paper also contains some good background on why it is interesting to show some ECFP can be inverted.
requires PIP within python 3.11 or lower. Then just:
conda create -n [environment_name] python=3.11 # or any other way to get python env
git clone
cd ECFPinvert
pip install .
Alternatively, just make sure the conda env or venv has rdkit=2022.09 and numpy=1.23.4. Yes, it is important to have these exact versions (for now).
here is a minimally working code block to invert the ECFP4(2048) of strychnine, a rather complex molecule:
from rdkit import Chem
from search import ECFPInvert
import utils
strychnine = Chem.MolFromSmiles("C1CN2CC3=CCO[C@H]4CC(=O)N5[C@H]6[C@H]4[C@H]3C[C@H]2[C@@]61C7=CC=CC=C75")
strychnine_fp = utils.get_fp(strychnine)
inv = ECFPInvert()
s, info = inv.run_search(strychnine_fp)
if s:
print(f'inverted strychnine in {info["time"]} seconds')
if that worked it should print something like inverted strychnine in 9.421 seconds
I will add example notebooks in a few days. Stay tuned!
Exact reconstruct only. Can't be used to reconstruct non existent fingerprints that do not correspond to a real structure. This version had ca 97% success inverting ChEMBL like ECFP6(4096).