This app integrates with InvoicePlane to gernerate unquine links for clints to pay invocies with credit cards using Stripe.
This program is a hack, it retrives information dirrectly from InvoicesPlane's database, it does not use any formal API.
It does not create payments in InvoicePlane. It does however write the Stripe customerID to a custom field on the client in InvoicePlane. It uses this ID to connect Stripe customers with clients in InvoicePlane.
- InvoicePlane installed and current database credentials.
- A Stripe account
Create a custom field in InvoicePlane under the Client table called Stripe Customer ID.
Git clone the repo, create a vhost and point too /public/
Highly Recommended:
Create a separate user with SELECT privileges on the clients, invoices, invoice_amounts, invoice_items, invoice_item_amounts, users tables
And update on the client_custom table.
- Create /bootstrap/config.php and populate it with:
//The InvoicePlane database and a user with SELECT AND INSERT Privileges
define('DB_HOST', '');
define('DB_NAME', '');
define('DB_USER', '');
define('DB_PASS', '');
define('USER_ID', '1'); //The User that the app will pull company data from when displaying on invoice
define('DEBUG', TRUE);
if (DEBUG){
define('STRIPE_PUB_KEY', ''); // Publishable Test Key
define('STRIPE_KEY', ''); // Secret Test Key
} else {
define('STRIPE_PUB_KEY', '' ); // Publishable Test Key
define('STRIPE_KEY', ''); // Secret Test Key
Add your Stripe Test and Live Keys.
Set DEBUG to true and test apps flow with Stripes test cards.
Set DEBUG to false, and get paid.
###Create Unquie Links The app uses URL Key created by InvoicePlane to refrence invoices, this key on the end of the Guest URL when viewing the invoice when viewing the invoice after it has been marked as sent in InvoicePlane.
URL Key: k5ja9SsWZdW4ixR
URL to send to Client:
I love InovicePlane but I needed a way to take credit cards. Currently InvoicePlane does not support any vendors expect Paypal.
Pull requests welcome.
- InvoicePlane - Invoiceing system used to generation invoices.
- Slim Micro Framework - PHP Framework Used
- Twig Templating Engine - Templating Engine
- PHP-MySQLi-Database-Class - MYSQL PHP Wrapper Class written by Josh Campbell
This proeject is licensed under the MIT License.
The name InvoicePlane is copyright of / This project is not sanctioned by either party.