It requires a webview(browser) to authenticate, currently soauth supports the following
- Authentication with facebook
- Authentication with foursquare
- Authenticaiton with github
- Facebook Graph Api
- Profile details access
- Connections - friend list
// you may import only facebook or foursqure as per the requirement
import (
// Initialize in the login page
auth := facebook.Init("your_app_id", "your_app_secret", "callback_url", nil )
// the last argument is for options, I will update it once the option usage is implemented
// Url to be accessed in webview(Browser) to authenticate
login_url := auth.LoginUrl()
// Authenticate
// Facebook will return the auth_code in parameter to the **callback url**, now try to get AccessToken
// In callback action in your application
auth := facebook.Init("your_app_id", "your_app_secret", "callback_url", nil )
token, err := auth.Authenticate(auth_code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Authentication failed")
return err
fmt.Println("Auth token", token)
// store the token in the database and use it for further api access
For foursquare and Github the procedure is same, just import package foursquare or github
// Once you have the token you can use Facebook Graph Api
// Initialize Graph Api
graph := oauth_fb.Graph{"your access token here"}
// Now Get you profile details as follows
profile, err := graph.GetObject("me")
//the profile will have all the profile info as per the Profile structure defined in facebook pakage(facebook/facebook.go)
// Friend list
friends, err := graph.GetConnections("me/friends")
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