This repo intends to safely run JavaScript into a website using web workers. It provides a controller class, with some defaults.
const myWorker = new SafeJs(
// Success callback
(successMessage) => {
// Errors callback
(err) => console.error(err),
maxExecutingTime: 50000,
myWorker.execute('return "Hello World"');
As seen above, the third parameter for the SafeJS
constructor is a series of options.
export interface SafeJsOptions {
maxWorkerReturn: number; // Number of characters the stringified result is allowed to return. Default 10000.
maxExecutingTime: number; // Kill the worker after not returning this number of milliseconds. Default 20000.
maxConsoleLog: number; // Max number of logs returned. Default 200.
extraWhitelist: Array<string>; // Objects you wish to whitelist and thus allow the user to use in their code.
fetchProxyUrl: string | undefined; // Replaces the default `fetch` URL if provided.
to test this package you need to set up with link
(insert zelda pun):
In this repo:
pnpm link
Wherever you are using it
pnpm link @decipad/safejs
If you use a builder, like webpack, you might have to rebuild. This is an example of how that might look like (in the safejs repo):
pnpm run build
This package was partially inspired by (Wumpus World)[]