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Tools for the analysis of data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) using balanced repeated replication


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Tools for the analysis of data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) using balanced repeated replication.

This software is released for educational purposes, not for active use. It is possible that questions and bug reports may go unanswered.


Although a number of packages exist for the analysis of large-scale educational assessments, such as intsvy, they tend to be limited in the kinds of analyses they support. This is fine for the needs of educational researcher but insufficient for statistical research into new or better analysis methods. brr solves this problem by accepting an arbitrary fitter or statistical function to which it passes a modified formula (for a single plausible value at a time) and a different set of (replication or final) weights each time, very similar to how the bootstrap package boot works.

Furthermore, brr is written in a succinct and very readable coding style so that it can be used to explain the technical intricacies of PISA analysis for those who wish to understand how analyses with plausible values and balanced repeated replications work under the hood.



pisa <- open_dataset('2022.parquet') |>
  select(starts_with('pv') & ends_with('read'), 'country_iso', 'assessment', starts_with('w_read')) |>

fits <- brr(pv1read + pv2read + pv3read + pv4read + pv5read + pv6read + pv7read + pv8read + pv9read + pv10read ~ country_iso,

confint(fits, extra=TRUE)

We use broom::tidy to extract standardized output from various kinds of statistical model.

Usage with long format imputed data (beta)

The function brrl allows for zero-overhead analysis of long format PISA data in which not only the plausible values are imputed but also the covariates.

fits <- brrl(
  statistic = \(data, weights) lm(math ~ as.factor(cycle), data = data, weights = weights),
  data = assessments_long,
  weights = wts,
  conditions = list(
    i = 1:10,
    weights = c('w_math_student_final', 'w_math_student_r{1:80}')

confint(fits, na_rm = TRUE)

Because weights are shared by all imputations, they are typically provided by a data frame with 1/5th or 1/10th the amount of rows as the data set.

See pisa.rx.parquet for a multiply imputed dataset that is compatible with brrl, or alternatively you can prepare such a dataset yourself using dplyr::pivot_longer and mice::mice.

# this is just a sketch, actual conversion into long form may be more involved
# depending on the exact dataset under consideration
outcomes <- assessments |> 
    select(starts_with('pv')) |> 
      cols = everything(), 
      names_pattern = 'pv(\\d+)(math)', 
      names_to = c('i', '.value')

imputations <- assessments |> 
  select(c(escs, fathers_isced, mothers_isced)) |> 
  mice(m = 5) |> 
  complete(action = "long")

data <- bind_cols(outcomes, imputations)

weights <- assessments |> 

In the future, brrl will likely become the default analysis interface and the brr function will be deprecated. When brrl detects wide format PISA data, it will pivot it to long format, and therefore it will remain possible to work with the original PISA data as provided by the OECD.


This package also implements a poststratification routine similar to the one used PISA reports (e.g. Chapter 6, 2022 Results, Volume 1) to make trends comparable over time, by adjusting the demographics of each assessment to match a target demographical composition.

PS_VARS <- c('age', 'gender', 'immig')

baseline <- pisa |> filter(country_iso == 'FIN', assessment == 2022)

# produce a PISA dataset with poststratified weights
poststratified <- pisa |> 
  group_by(country_iso, assessment) |> 
  group_modify(~ poststratify(.x, poststrata(.x, baseline, PS_VARS, weights = "w_math_fstuwt"), name = "waf")) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  mutate(across(starts_with("w_"), ~ .x * waf, .names = "poststratified_{col}"))

fits <- brr(pv1math + pv2math + pv3math ~ 1, 


We often want to poststratify not across the entire dataset but in blocks, e.g. within a country and an assessment, as shown above. To do so: (1) group by that block or blocks, (2) poststratify within each block level of each block using group_modify and finally (3) ungroup, e.g. to poststratify separately within each year of a longitudinal dataset:

belgium03 <- belgium |> filter(assessment == '2003')
belgium |> 
  group_by(year) |>
  group_modify(~ poststratify(.x, poststrata(.x, belgium03, PS_VARS, weights = "w_math_fstuwt")) |>

By default, poststratify will accept missingness as a valid stratification level, so you might get cells like ('Female', '<NA>'). This is not always a good idea, both because it it can produce small cells (if there is not much missingness) and because missingness on a particular factor may have many causes and does not always represent a homogeneous category. It is often a good idea to either remove these observations with missingness, or to impute their stratification factors before poststratification, e.g. with the mice package.

Weighted statistics

Because PISA requires the use of weighted statistics throughout, brr comes bundled with a bunch of weighted statistics with a consistent interface.

  • weighted_aggregate
  • weighted_mean
  • weighted_median
  • weighted_quantile
  • weighted_sum
  • weighted_scale
  • weighted_var
  • weighted_sd
  • weighted_cov
  • weighted_cor
  • ...

Of particular note is weighted_aggregate, which allows for the computation of univariate statistics for multiple outcomes and multiple subgroups:

df <- tibble(x=1:10, y=11:20, w=1 + 1:10/10, u=rep(1, 10), g=rep(c(1,2), each=5))
weighted_aggregate(x + y ~ g, statistic=weighted_mean, data=df, weights=df$w)

For convenience's sake, weighted_aggregate(..., statistic=weighted_mean) is available as weighted_mean_by.

A very simple but very fast version that does not support subgroups is available as pull_weighted_mean, very useful if you have already divided the PISA dataset into subsets (by assessment, by country, ...) elsewhere:

results_by_country <- map(countries, function(country) {
  data <- pisa |> filter(country_iso == country)
  brr(pv1scie + pv2scie + pv3scie ~ 1, pull_weighted_mean, ...)

Functional helpers

brr supports arbitrary fitters and statistical functions, but it does require them to adhere to a particular interface: statistic(formula, data, weights, ...). If your fitter has a different signature, you can always wrap it in another function that does, e.g.

wrapped_fitter <- function(formula, data, weights, ...) {
  gnarly(w=weights, d=data, fml=formula)

The brr package also provides a couple of helper functions to cover common use-cases.

The wrapper redirect_weights can be used to rename the weights argument and/or to pass weights as a column name instead of the actual data:

# `brr::brr` passes a labeled weight vector to `statistic`, which we'll emulate here
weights <- label_vector(pisa$w_math_fstuwt, 'w_math_fstuwt')

# adapt a fitter that expects weights to be a column name
lm_by_ref <- function(formula, data, weights) {
  weights <- data[[weights]]
  lm(formula, data, weights=weights)

redirect_weights(lm_by_ref, by_reference=TRUE)(pv1read ~ gender, data=pisa, weights=weights)

# adapt a fitter that has a different argument name for weights
lm_wt <- function(formula, data, wt) {
 lm(formula, data, weights=wt)

redirect_weights(lm_wt, name='wt')(pv1read ~ gender, data=pisa, weights=weights)

The wrapper formulaic can add a formula interface to simple statistical functions:

# this function cannot used in `brr::brr` because it takes data and weight vectors
# instead of a formula and data
weighted_mean(pisa$pv1math, pisa$w_math_fstuwt)

# ... but this one can be used in `brr::brr`!
pull_weighted_mean <- formulaic(weighted_mean)
weighted_mean(pv1math ~ 1, pisa, pisa$w_math_fstuwt)

The package includes pull_weighted_mean and pull_weighted_median out of the box, but you can use formulaic on any weighted statistical function you need.


The brr package is not particularly fast, but also not particularly slow.

In PISA 2000 up to 2012, proper confidence intervals require 405 balanced repeated replications: for 5 plausible values and 80 replicate weights plus 1 final weight. Later editions have 10 plausible values, so that's 810 analyses, which can take a while. However, if only point estimates are required and not confidence intervals, it is possible to only perform a single analysis for each plausible value, using the final weights, which is very fast.

For unbiased but approximate point estimates, you can also pick an arbitrary plausible value and run the analysis outside of brr, e.g. using lm or weighted_mean_by, taking care to use the final weights.

When setting up your model, it is recommended that you use brr(r=0, ...) to skip the replications, which are only needed for confidence intervals but not for point estimates. Only when you have a model you are happy with and that runs without errors, add in the replications.


Tools for the analysis of data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) using balanced repeated replication



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