Releases: dcblogdev/laravel-sent-emails
Releases · dcblogdev/laravel-sent-emails
What's Changed
- Extend 'body' length in 'sent_emails' table by @dcblogdev in #22
- Bugfix in SentEmailsServiceProvider by @andreaventuri in #24
- added eager loading by @dcblogdev in #25
New Contributors
- @andreaventuri made their first contribution in #24
Full Changelog: v2.0.5...v2.0.6
What's Changed
- test setup by @dcblogdev in #15
- Handle email attachments by @dcblogdev in #16
- Add laravel pint by @dcblogdev in #17
- moved filters to model by @dcblogdev in #18
- Run tests on commit by @dcblogdev in #19
- Updated configuration to use environment variables by @dcblogdev in #20
New Contributors
- @dcblogdev made their first contribution in #15
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.5
Add support for Laravel 11
v2.0.4 Add support for Laravel 11
Add support for Laravel 10
v2.0.3 add support for Laravel 10
added citco/carbon to composer.json
v2.0.2 added citco/carbon to composer.json
Merged PR #7 store body emails as compressed strings
v2.0.1 Merge branch 'master' of
Added support for Laravel 9, updated to work with Symfony Mailer, is not backwards compatible.
v2.0.0 updated readme with Laravel 9 requirement
added support for Laravel 5.5 to 8
v1.0.6 Merge branch 'master' of
style improvements and search option added
New config options added:
Set pagination per page:
'perPage' => 10,
When no emails are found those a default message:
'noEmailsMessage' => 'No emails found.'
Pagination style fix
Pagination has been fixed for Tailwind ensuring that if this page is installed on a project that uses Bootstrap Tailwind pagination will still be used.
Added search option
You can now search for emails by Date, From, To and Subject.
Added support for PHP 8
v1.0.4 added support for PHP 8