A build of the Suckless Simple Terminal (st) with many essential community patches modified to work together.
Targets st revision 9846a56
(a few commits after st version 0.9
), and most likely wont work with other versions without manual changes to the patches.
A single unified git patch file with all patches built-in is included as a github releases.
You can apply directly to the st source, as explained below.
If you use Arch Linux, a package is available in the AUR.
Individual patches used to create it are provided in the patches/
- alpha (osc 11)
- boxdraw (enabled by default, except braile)
- scrollback (with reflow, mouse, altscreen & mouse increment subpatches, modified to work with boxdraw)
- ligatures (boxdraw version)
- xresources (live reload with USR1, modified to also read alpha value)
- clipboard
- desktopentry
- sync (modified for st 0.9)
- copyurl (with multiline)
- undercurl (modified to work with previous patches)
- openclipboard (modified to work with previous patches)
- netwmicon (modified to work with previous patches)
Download the generated unified patch file from the github releases tab, then clone the st source and apply it by running:
git clone https://git.suckless.org/st st
cd st
git checkout 9846a56
git apply path/to/st-community-xxx-xxx.diff
Alternatively, use the provided patch.sh
script to automatically download the correct revision and apply the patch.
Note that git apply is required, as the normal patch command cannot handle binary files.
Then, compile st and install it directly from downloaded st
directory by running:
make install # Requires root
Compiling may require installing the necessary libraries into your system.
St's main configuration method is by changing hard-coded values in config.def.h
, and then recompiling the software.
You may do this by manually modifying the source, or by changing patches/99-config.diff
and reapplying it.
Thanks to the xresources
patch some values (like colors and font) can be read from the X resources database (usually stored at ~/.Xresources
) on the fly.
St will detect any of the following variables if used:
st.colorX /* Where X is a number in the range [0, 15] */
When specifying variables like this, they override compile-time configuration.
Remember to run xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
after modifying the file, for changes to take effect.
If you have terminal instances already running, you can send them a USR1
signal to make st hot-reload changes, using something like kill -USR1 $(pidof st)
For example, your .Xresources
file may look like:
! St specific config
st.font: Iosevka Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:autohint=false
st.borderpx: 6
st.alpha: 1.0
! Global config
*.foreground: #dcdcdc
*.background: #121212
*.cursorColor: #dcdcdc
! Black
*.color0: #1e2132
*.color8: #6b7089
! Red
*.color1: #e27878
*.color9: #e98989
! Green
*.color2: #b4be82
*.color10: #c0ca8e
! Yellow
*.color3: #e2a478
*.color11: #e9b189
! Blue
*.color4: #84a0c6
*.color12: #91acd1
! Magenta
*.color5: #a093c7
*.color13: #ada0d3
! Cyan
*.color6: #89b8c2
*.color14: #95c4ce
! White
*.color7: #c6c8d1
*.color15: #d2d4de
The patch ships with the following keybinds by default:
- Mouse
for scrolling. - Mouse
to paste selection. Control Shift C
andControl Shif V
for copy-pasting.Control Shift Y
orShift Insert
to paste selection.Control Shift Prior
,Control Shift Next
andControl Shift Home
to zoom in, out and reset zoom, respectively.Meta l
andMeta o
to scroll through visible URLs and open them, respectively.
This build includes the undercurl patch, which enables st to show a curly line underneath errors if your editor supports it. If you wish to use it, you must install the modified terminfo entry for st in your home directory by running:
tic -sx st.info
in the patched st source directly.
Add or remove any patch files from the patches/
Then, use the generate.sh
script to download the st source and apply all patches in the patches/
directory in order.
You now have a patched version of st in the st/
This will also create a new unified patch with your changes included, which you can use separately if you wish.
Most of the included patches have been modified to apply together without any interaction needed. All files included are credited to their respective authors, see each file for more information. Based on suckless.org's Suckless Simple Terminal.