A basic web service to act as a webhook for an Azure EventGrid subscription (BlobCreated events), ingest data from uploaded blobs, and create tracking data within the Resource Tracking database.
The recommended way to set up this project for development is using Poetry to install and manage a virtual Python environment. With Poetry installed, change into the project directory and run:
poetry install
Activate the virtualenv like so:
poetry shell
To run Python commands in the virtualenv, thereafter run them like so:
python manage.py
Manage new or updating project dependencies with Poetry also, like so:
poetry add newpackage==1.0
This project uses python-dotenv to set environment variables (in a .env
PORT=8080 # Optional
Run a local copy of the application like so:
python fleetcare_data_harvest.py
The application runs on port 8080 by default. To change this, set an environment
variable value for PORT
To build a new Docker image from the Dockerfile
docker image build -t ghcr.io/dbca-wa/fleetcare-data-harvest .
This project includes the following pre-commit hooks:
- TruffleHog (credential scanning): https://github.com/marketplace/actions/trufflehog-oss
Pre-commit hooks may have additional system dependencies to run. Optionally install pre-commit hooks locally like so (with the virtualenv activated first):
pre-commit install
Reference: https://pre-commit.com/