The package etlTurtleNesting contains the ETL and QA for Turtle Nesting Census data from ODK Central to WAStD.
Issues are tracked at wastdr.
You can install etlTurtleNesting from GitHub with:
Either open “vignettes/qa_wamtram_geolocation.Rmd” and click “Run Document”, or run
rmarkdown::run(here::here("vignettes/qa_wamtram_geolocation.Rmd"), shiny_args = list(port = 3838, host = ""))
Follow instructions on the last tab (protocols) to update WAMTRAM through its admin front-end.
After a while of updating WAMTRAM, you’ll want to see these updates reflected in the dashboard. To refresh WAMTRAM data, stop the running dashboard, then run the command below in the console, restart the R session (Ctrl+Shift+F10) then restart the dashboard (Ctrl+Shift+K).
w2_data <- wastdr::download_w2_data(save=here::here("inst/w2.rds"))
When instructed to upgrade the R package wastdr
which does most of the
work under the bonnet, run:
remotes::install_github("dbca-wa/wastdr", dependencies = TRUE, upgrade = "never", build_vignettes = TRUE)
New users can be added to WAStD in batches before each field season. Local coordinators will provide a spreadsheet with columns “name” (full name, correct! spelling and capitalisation), “email”, “phone”.
The spreadsheet is post-processed:
- Open with option “quoted columns as text”
- username (A), name (B), email, phone, role (C-E)
- Formula for username:
=SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(B2), " ", "_")
- Format phone as text and prefix with +61
- Save as CSV with “quote all text columns”
# Step 1: New users (username, name, phone, email, role)
# HTTP status returned: 400 for existing, 201 for new
# Append new users to spreadsheet: username, name, email, phone, role
users <- here::here("inst/users_nin2020.csv") %>%
readr::read_csv(col_types = "ccccc") %>%
wastdr::wastd_bulk_post("users", verbose = TRUE)
Run run.R
as a local job. Full data export and reporting are already
part of run.R
This repo contains a Dockerfile to build an image containing a cron job
running the data import as well as download and export of data from
WAStD and WAMTRAM as needed by turtleviewer2
The build process is identical to that of turtleviewer2
Build Docker image for local testing:
docker build . -t dbca-wa/etlTurtleNesting:latest
Inspect the locally built image for debugging:
docker run -it dbca-wa/etlTurtleNesting:latest /bin/bash -c "export TERM=xterm; exec bash"
Once app and Docker image work, create a new version, tag, and push the tag.
# Code and docs tested, working, committed
# Git commit, then tag and push
v <- packageVersion("etlTurtleNesting")
system(glue::glue("git tag -a v{v} -m 'v{v}'"))
system(glue::glue("git push && git push --tags"))