Releases: davinkevin/Podcast-Server
Releases · davinkevin/Podcast-Server
chore(release): release version 2018.12.0
chore(release): release version 2018.11.0
chore(release): release version 2018.10.0
chore(release): release version 2018.9.0
chore(release): release of version 2018.8.0
chore(release): release of version 2018.7.0
chore(release): release version 2018.6.0
chore(release): release version 2018.5.0
1.0.0 (2016-04-16)
Bug Fixes
- backend.config: remove duplicate annotation about async config (3764280)
- backend.viewresolver: resolve to index instead forward to avoid infinite redirection loop (52a0ba4)
- beInSport: modification link to beInSport new website (226b9c1)
- beInSport: modification link to beInSport new website (3be85c8)
- beInSport: test modification (52f7808)
- beInSport: update support of the new architecture of BeInSport source (7282691)
- beinsports: selector by class for signature (3b02df6)
- build: add a .keep file to let the folder static in place after git operations (1bc6879)
- build: correction of the double rename function (221929d)
- build: investigation on submitting (c356c4f)
- build: modify the package name due to case problem (fd21e53)
- build: remove -X from build (a730ce6)
- build: remove mangle to preserve controller name (2508fe2)
- build: remove wrong import (3a51e0c)
- build.frontend: use cache-bust with location path (606e91a)
- common.item-menu: design modification (2f86e7f)
- config: modify linting (2534038)
- controller: change type of return of podcast id (c7811ef)
- copy: add ngInject for this controller (2cd5093)
- cover: don't load image if 404 (fc66aa2)
- dataService: correction in method affectation (82bf524)
- date: remove useless test file (870410f)
- dependency: externalize configuration of FullTextSearch (4e0ee70)
- depracated: remove deprecated method (e455092)
- downloader: ask for a new instance each time (27a8bb3)
- downloader: correction on naming final Download (ee8bf13)
- downloader: out of bound string manipulation in getTargertFile (b52199b)
- downloader: remove get http parameter of filename downloaded (53dda74)
- downloader.http: correction on temporary file name (10b0a10)
- downloader.restartAll: change controller url to restart all download (9314f0a)
- catch exception linked to error of signature in axet.vget (c704012)
- Revert to previous version of axet/vget for incompatibility issues (4ff9f4e)
- downloadManager: restart all podcast in parallele (5ec29c5)
- entity: modify equality (850b162)
- entity: use lombok to generate boilerplate code (814edb1)
- facade: expand testing (320653a)
- facade.SearchItemPageRequestWrapper: change name of setter (f32bb65)
- factory.wgethelper: change case of name (30c885e)
- factory.wgethelper: change case of name (44b2a43)
- ffmpeg: correction about name with quote in concat ffmpeg action (2b86a7e)
- fields: change name of column in test database (9ecaf90)
- finder.rss: change case of classname (c15e2f6)
- folder: fix test around parameters (7efb69a)
- fonts: fix version of fa (17bde72)
- front.dataService: modify a put method into patch to fix a behavior (731e1a2)
- front.podcasts: correct tooltips (6a28bfc)
- frontend: add ngInject to execute DI (c42a97d)
- frontend: change a text to english (660205a)
- frontend: change dependency to retrieve the css of Angular-hotkeys (cf7539d)
- frontend: change name of service (de90bb0)
- frontend: fixing the dependency version of highcharts and add override (0e8c5f0)
- frontend: fixing the dependency version of highcharts and add override (3bbffb5)
- frontend: fixing the dependency version of highcharts and add override (d3361b4)
- frontend: import css of videogular (5535f7d)
- frontend: remove unused module from experimentation in compiled js files (83c143f)
- frontend: use decorator to register module to improve minification (6fb1017)
- frontend.dependency: optimize import of HightChart (6c7b034)
- frontend.icon: change on the 'more' button, to use a bigger one (78a047f)
- frontend.itemService: add dependency (486196f)
- frontend.notification: catch exception if notification can't be raised (cf426bd)
- frontend.route: Bad redirection following the hashbang removal (ef8b8a6)
- frontend.route: correct target on root application (a7de8c0)
- hotkey: correction of hotkey in podcast details (146e369), closes #11
- http.accept-range: log to debug the multiPartFileSender (d927d9b)
- icon: change the "more" icon to reflect modification of ionicons (a4a3714)
- ImageUtils: close a stream after an error (05733db)
- item: remove unicity of url (24f7344)
- item: reset remove the fileName (4892263)
- item.cover: use background-size:cover to enlarge the picture inside the div (67a1285)
- item.details: add a filter to remove incorrect html tag / attribues (354843a)
- item.details: layout correction (a06e4a0)
- item.player: show hour in elapseTime and remaining time (eded276)
- item.predicate: remove unused specification java file (19d3cc3)
- item.repository: fix case on package (47fa17f)
- case on search order (5c0d553)
- correction on behaviour of ng-tags-input (f006f8f)
- correction on lucene search ([d9007e7]...