C# .Net Client for using Authy's API
This package is available via NuGet as authy-net-client
> Install-Package authy-net-client
The library is intended to be super easy to use and friendly with IoC frameworks.
IAuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("someapikey", testMode:false);
string authyUserId = client.CreateAuthyUser("[email protected]", "555-555-5555");
bool isValid = client.VerifyUserToken(authyUserId, someToken);
This package contains mspec specs that outline happy-paths and edgecases. They are intended to read like behaviors and should be a good way to reference how to use the library as well.
This library is open for contribution here are the steps to contrubte:
- Fork Repo
- Add specs for changes
- Make changes
- Ensure passing specs
- Create pull request
- Grab beverage