Using FPDF made easy with Laravel. See FPDF homepage for more information about the usage.
Installation using Composer
$ composer require codedge/laravel-fpdf
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codedge\Fpdf\FpdfServiceProvider" --tag=config
to publish the configuration file to config/fpdf.php
// app/Http/routes.php | app/routes/web.php
Route::get('/', function (Codedge\Fpdf\Fpdf\Fpdf $fpdf) {
$fpdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 18);
$fpdf->Cell(50, 25, 'Hello World!');
If you want to use Laravel Vapor to host your application, a special header needs to be attached to each response that FPDF returns to your browser. To enable the use of this header, add the following environment variable to the Vapor environment file: